Amy, Rose und Donna mochte ich am liebsten 🥰
I liked Amy, Rose and Donna the most (best? 🤓😉)
#doctorwho #drwho #karengillan #amypond
We are planning Season 8 and we have a Best Doctor Who Companion episode in the works! Tell us your favorite Who companions by taking our poll with the link below! Which companion will “exterminate” the competition? What are you waiting for? ALLONS Y! #DoctorWho #TheDoctor #BBC #Rose #Donna #K9 #AmyPond #RiverSong #Who #Companion #Tardis #DrWho https://www.greatpopculturedebate.com/poll-best-doctor-who-companion/
#drwho #tardis #companion #who #riversong #amypond #k9 #Donna #rose #bbc #thedoctor #doctorwho
Day 7 of my #InktoberRevisited posts from 2019. The 7th day of October 2019's word prompt was "Enchanted".
Amy Pond became enchanted with her childhood memory of the raggedy doctor who visited her in his blue box when she was young.
#DoctorWho #Art #InkDoodle #PlayingCardArt #Inktober #Artist #AmyPond #RaggedyDoctor #MastoArt
#mastoart #raggedydoctor #amypond #artist #inktober #playingcardart #inkdoodle #art #doctorwho #inktoberrevisited
The Doctor, dances (with his hands hands hands, above his head head head)
#DoctorWhoَ #11thDoctor #MattSmith #AlexKingston #KarenGillan #RiverSong #AmyPond #TheBigBang
#DoctorWhoَ #11thdoctor #mattsmith #alexkingston #karengillan #riversong #amypond #thebigbang
"Doctor, what is it?"
"An ancient artifact from a bygone era, Amy"
Found my old Cheetah 125+ joystick I thought long gone. Four fire buttons but usually all just worked as one (rare thing for home computers then to actually make use of two independent action buttons). Used this a lot on my Amstrad CPC 464 & Amiga 1200. Still have both. The CPC is nearly 40 years old and still works perfectly. 🙂
#doctorwho #mattsmith #eleventhdoctor #karengillan #amypond #retrogaming #videogames #amstradcpc
#doctorwho #mattsmith #eleventhdoctor #karengillan #amypond #retrogaming #videogames #amstradcpc
I know this show has its highs and lows, and it can be pure cheese sometimes, and it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I love it for it. 💙💙 :tardis:
#DoctorWhoDay #DoctorWho #tardis #MattSmith #KarenGillan #AmyPond #DoctorWhoQuotes #SciFi
#SciFi #DoctorWhoQuotes #amypond #KarenGillan #mattsmith #tardis #DoctorWho #doctorwhoday
#DoctorWho - Space and Time (Extended)
#DrWho #Who #SpaceAndTime #CIL #ChildrenInNeed #DoctorWhoSpecial #AmyAndRory #AmyPond #Rory
#rory #amypond #amyandrory #doctorwhospecial #childreninneed #CIL #Spaceandtime #who #drwho #doctorwho
Came across this one yesterday. it's been years since I've used charcoal to draw anything.
#drawing #art #mastoart #eatsleepdraw #doctorwho #whovian #whoniverse #amypond #karengillan #charcoal #thegirlwhowaited
#drawing #art #MastoArt #eatsleepdraw #DoctorWho #whovian #whoniverse #amypond #karengillan #charcoal #thegirlwhowaited
I must've completely missed this #RedNose #COVID relief effort by a lot of former #DoctorWho actors and writers: Doctor Who: LOCKDOWN
It has quite some lovely (yet sometimes heartwrenching) stories set after previous episodes, such as what happened to Mme de #Pompadour after #TheGirlInTheFireplace (https://youtu.be/seNAqQ4gzn0), #ArthurDarville recording a video diary to his character's adopted son as #RoryWilliams (with an off-camera cameo by #KarenGillan as #AmyPond)), or #CaitlinBlackwood taking on the role of young #AmeliaPond again as she talks about her best friend, the Raggedy Doctor, which could just as well have been called "Except for Rory".
#RedNose #covid #doctorwho #pompadour #TheGirlInTheFireplace #ArthurDarville #RoryWilliams #karengillan #amypond #CaitlinBlackwood #AmeliaPond #drwho #storytime #audiostories
@Hirnblaehung Es gilt: Ein Leben ohne #DoctorWho ist möglich aber sinnlos. Und was wäre der Doctor ohne seine Begleiterinnen? #AmyPond