Ana Belen, Vuelo Blanco de Gaviota, 1979
#70s #anabelen #vueloblancodegaviota
#vueloblancodegaviota #anabelen #70s
36 years ago:
The House of Bernarda Alba (ES)
Original title: La casa de Bernarda Alba
After the death of her husband Bernarda Alba puts her daughters under a rigurous mourning which does not even allow them to leave the house.
#TheHouseofBernardaAlba #MarioCamus #AnaBelén #VickyPeña #Film
#thehouseofbernardaalba #mariocamus #anabelen #vickypena #film
#17Ene2023 #17Jan2023 #SongOfTheDay #AnaBelen Ana Belén - Peces de ciudad
#17ene2023 #17jan2023 #songoftheday #anabelen
Ana Belén Montes: “Who in the last 60 years has asked the Cuban people if they want the United States to impose a suffocating embargo on them that makes them suffer?”
#Cuba #USpoli #AnaBelénMontes #AnaBelén #AnaMontes #EndTheEmbargo #EndTheBlockade 🇨🇺
#cuba #USpoli #anabelenmontes #anabelen #anamontes #endtheembargo #endtheblockade
US releases top Cuba spy Ana Belén Montes after 20 years in prison — former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, 65, freed after being found guilty of espionage in 2002:
#Cuba #USpoli #AnaBelénMontes #AnaBelén #AnaMontes #EndTheEmbargo #EndTheBlockade 🇨🇺
#cuba #USpoli #anabelenmontes #anabelen #anamontes #endtheembargo #endtheblockade