NEW PAPER OUT📢 A #Ponderful (H2020) work with #AnaBorthagaray @matiasarim and collaborators 👏🏽
We revisited #TemporaryPonds networks (AKA: Pondscapes) to focus on how habitat distribution was actually shaping diversity across different pond networks!
How?🤔We implemented a coalescent model to simulate diversity patterns linked to each #Pondscape along a gradient of dispersal abilities 🪲🪰🪱🦟
And what we found? 🔭 Well, take a deeper look here 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
#ponderful #anaborthagaray #temporaryponds #pondscape
This 2023 starts with energy our recently published #Ponderful work in #HydrobiologiaJournal !
Our first paper from our work within the H2020 Ponderful project! With @matiasarim #JordiBou #JeremyBiggs & #AnaBorthagaray
Check it out here 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
#ponderful #hydrobiologiajournal #jordibou #jeremybiggs #anaborthagaray
Travelling to Edinburgh to present our #Ponderful work at @BritishEcolSoc meeting #BES2022 ! We will present our last delivery, submitted this November, with @matiasarim #AnaBorthagaray and #JordiBou ! Part of the H2020 Ponderful project! #Waterscapes #Pondscapes
#ponderful #bes2022 #anaborthagaray #jordibou #waterscapes #pondscapes
Welcome mastodon community! 🙌🏽 I am a postdoc researcher working between #UniversitatDeGirona , #UniversitatDeBarcelona at FEHMlab with #NúriaBonada and #MiguelCañedoArgüelles and at #UniversidadDeLaRepública with @matiasarim and #AnaBorthagaray !!
With all them we try to disentangle drivers of #Freshwater diversity specially focusing on #Connectivity and #Landscape structure. Working also with #TemporaryStreams and #Macroinvertebrates 😊
#universitatdegirona #universitatdebarcelona #nuriabonada #miguelcanedoarguelles #universidaddelarepublica #anaborthagaray #Freshwater #connectivity #landscape #temporarystreams #macroinvertebrates