No One · @No_One
72 followers · 648 posts · Server

When a government employee causes you financial, physical, or emotional damage, you can file a tort claim. It's free and easy.

File a federal tort claim against Clarence Thomas and the Supreme Court. You can file for financial damages, personal injury that can include mental anguish, stress, embarrassment, etc.

It is unlikely that he will pay but after six months you can sue him in Federal Court, if you're not satisfied with the response to the tort claim.

Imagine thousands of individuals suing him for thousand or millions of dollars each.

Simply fill out the Standard Form 95 and send it to the government agency that wronged you.

#tortclaim #lawsuit #clarencethomas #supremecourt #antifascism #anachism

Last updated 2 years ago

chimericalandie · @chimericalandie
6 followers · 42 posts · Server
Punctilious Trix · @punctilious
34 followers · 337 posts · Server

You cannot win the fight at while a Right Wing, Nazi-loving owner has control.

Much better if everyone leaves and allows the fascist dude-bros to post their vile takes unheeded.

That will speed up it being seen for a hate site and taken down.

In that time, we could be here building up communities of activists and people who want to see real change on the ground.

#twitter #twittermigration #anachism #socialism #black #lgbt #indigenous #aboriginal #disability

Last updated 2 years ago

Punctilious Trix · @punctilious
41 followers · 385 posts · Server

You cannot win the fight at while a Right Wing, Nazi-loving owner has control.

Much better if everyone leaves and allows the fascist dude-bros to post their vile takes unheeded.

That will speed up it being seen for a hate site and taken down.

In that time, we could be here building up communities of activists and people who want to see real change on the ground.

#twitter #twittermigration #anachism #socialism #black #lgbt #indigenous #aboriginal #disability

Last updated 2 years ago

Heraus zum anarchistischen 1. Mai :anarchism:

Der erste Mai ist nicht mehr weit und dieses Jahr werden in Leipzig rund um dieses Datum die anarchistischen Tage organisiert!
Von uns gibt es zwei Vorträge im Rahmen der anarchistischen Tage.

Los geht's am 27.04.2022 um 19:00 Uhr im Plaque mit dem Vortrag "Alles, Alles muss befreit werden", in dem es um Anarchie und Tierbefreiung Bewegung geht! Also kommt vorbei und bleibt gern noch noch zur Bar danach 🖤

Und wir wollen euch auch gern schon Mal bisschen in Stimmung bringen für den 1. Mai und haben für euch ein Mobi Video gemacht:

Viel Spaß und wir sehen uns 🌿🖤💚 :anarchism:

#aktivismus #antifaleipzig #Antifa #veganinleipzig #Vegan #animalliberation #anarchistischetage #louisemichel #erstermai #Tierbefreierinnen #Tierbefreiungsbewegung #anarchie #anachism

Last updated 3 years ago

Enough 14 · @enough14GNU
1808 followers · 6847 posts · Server
Enough 14 · @enough14GNU
1809 followers · 6849 posts · Server