Hypnotic · @Hypnotic
70 followers · 269 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

@alysonsee thank you! I am delighted to say it went well & l have had some very positive & unsolicited feedback. All the trainees gave excellent talks - feeling relieved now though!

#anaesthesia #anaesthetictrainees #impostersyndrome #leadership #relieved #proud

Last updated 2 years ago

Hypnotic · @Hypnotic
71 followers · 250 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Tonight I am both proud and nervous. Tomorrow I am leading our clinical governance meeting, I have imposter syndrome and I’m worried about embarrassing myself - this is why I am nervous. However, the vast majority of the presentations come from our trainees who have worked so hard the last 6 months doing various projects. There been really change in my dept and they have led it - this is why I am proud.

#proud #anaesthetictrainees #anaesthesia #nervous #impostersyndrome #change #obsanaesthesia

Last updated 2 years ago