Does anyone know of a good #Twitter / #Mastodon crossposter? I'd love to be able to get back into posting news #anagrams on my Anagram Post accounts.
Here's one I just made about the fact that Trump is back on Twitter after the release of his mugshot.
#Twitter #mastodon #anagrams #anagram
Just realized I never cleaned this tool up enough for general public use.
It's a tool I made for producing #animations of #anagrams that I make from #news headlines. It's usable, but I could make it a lot better than it is right now.
#javascript #html #css #webprogramming #webdev #anagram #animation
#animations #anagrams #news #javascript #html #css #webprogramming #webdev #anagram #animation
It’s bad enough to go through life with a first name that rhymes with “saltine,” but must REALLY suck when your first and last names contain the anagram…
What’s it mean? I’m not quite sure, but it’s an assault on the imagination. And the tuna, too. Or so I would imagine, please excuse the presumption.
#WaltineNauta #WaltNauta #DonaldTrump #MaraLagoDocs #anagram #anagrams
#anagrams #anagram #maralagodocs #DonaldTrump #waltnauta #waltinenauta
The "best" anagram in English is cinematographer / megachiropteran (aka fruit bat). (6-min read)
TL;DR: It's the "best" because it's the longest (15 letters) anagram with the least number of letters that stay together (only two ... "er").
#wordplay #anagrams #anagram #english #language
Whenever I make #anagrams, I try to find related keywords or phrases first, and build a coherent phrase around that with the remaining letters.
I wonder how, or if, an #AI can be trained to undergo a similar process, with a more specialized understanding of anagrams as a whole.
My friend @ConserveLetters told me he was experimenting with making #AutoGPT generate #anagrams. He got it to spit out things like "apple pie = peel a pip".
I then tried to use AutoGPT myself for the same task. I failed to get it to do almost anything on-task.
#autogpt #anagrams #openai #gpt
Manana, alpaca pal. Manana.
#anagrams #palindromes
a man, a plan, a canal, Panama.
#anagrams #palindromes #TheodoreRoosevelt
Brandon Kearney and Gregg Turkington | from Warm Voices Rearrranged: Anagram #Record Reviews
Dave Matthews Band
The Dave Matthews Band’s freewheeling magnum opus, Under the Table and Dreaming
These men’s banal dream… our dismal nightmare! “New wave depth?” Ugh…. get bent, fan dude!
This ranting racist, this bloviating bigot, has been permanently sullied by his hateful, fascistic agenda. That fact resides in a fitting anagram of his very name:
Ron DeSantis ➡️ Ron’s stained.
#RonDeSantis #RonsStained #anagrams #Republicans #GOP #MAGA #Trumpism #LGBTQphobia #education #racism #bigotry #immigration #Florida
#Florida #immigration #bigotry #Racism #Education #lgbtqphobia #trumpism #MAGA #gop #republicans #anagrams #ronsstained #rondesantis