Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Republican Tears, Fantasy Romance, and Revisionist Westerns That Got Us Through the Week #Jezebel #archostvportablevideoplayerpvp #norabiettetimmons #laurentousignant #audraheinrichs #annemccaffrey #laurabassett #euphoriants #neilmaskell #piperidines #kyliecheung #harrypotter #caitlincruz #analgesics #emilyblunt #williejack #norabiette #sarahrense #willelora #roe
#jezebel #archostvportablevideoplayerpvp #norabiettetimmons #laurentousignant #audraheinrichs #AnneMcCaffrey #laurabassett #euphoriants #neilmaskell #piperidines #kyliecheung #harrypotter #caitlincruz #analgesics #emilyblunt #williejack #norabiette #sarahrense #willelora #roe
Our findings on #opioid #analgesics in #DRCongo: we need a complex set of coordinated actions to correct poor practices and improve #availability, #affordability, adequate use of #morphine et al
#IYAD @ITMantwerp
#pain #PalliativeCare #NoPatientLeftBehind
Please read it here:
#opioid #analgesics #DRCongo #availability #affordability #morphine #iyad #pain #palliativecare #nopatientleftbehind
Our findings on #opioid #analgesics in #DRCongo: we need a complex set of coordinated actions to correct poor practices and improve #availability, #affordability, adequate use of #morphine et al
#IYAD @ITMantwerp
#pain #PalliativeCare #NoPatientLeftBehind
Please read it here:
#opioid #analgesics #DRCongo #availability #affordability #morphine #iyad #pain #palliativecare #nopatientleftbehind
Wish ppl would stop taking tramadol, it’s the Donald Trump of analgesics. It’s dangerous and irrational. #pain #analgesics #donald #tramadol
#pain #analgesics #donald #tramadol