Here's a really interesting (long) paper on what a theory of computing based on arbitrary physical substrates might look like:
#NewPaper #TheoreticalComputerScience #neuromorphic #CogSci #CognitiveScience #VSA #VectorSymbolicArchitecture #HDC #HyperdimensionalComputing #AnalogComputing
#newpaper #theoreticalcomputerscience #neuromorphic #cogsci #cognitivescience #vsa #vectorsymbolicarchitecture #HDC #hyperdimensionalcomputing #analogcomputing
Op-Amp Challenge: Interactive Analog LED Wave Array #differentialequation #analogcomputing #computerhacks #waveequation #integrator #photodiode #infrared #opamp #Art
#differentialequation #analogcomputing #computerhacks #waveequation #integrator #photodiode #infrared #opamp #art
Analog is dead. Long live analog.
The surprising resurgence of #analog computing.
“A lot of Silicon Valley companies have secret projects doing analog chips. Because they take so little power." #analogcomputing
“A lot of Silicon Valley companies have secret projects doing analog chips. Because they take so little power." #analogcomputing
>The Unbelievable Zombie Comeback of Analog Computing
Computers have been digital for half a century. Why would anyone want to resurrect the clunkers of yesteryear?
OMZ. Which year was that in Uni, centuries ago, when we did A/C? Aaaaarrrrgghhh, cables everywhere. Those big vertical boards, lotsa components on them. Twas fun but damn bewildering. 🤯
#analogcomputing #retrocomputing
@psychxr @niconiconi there used to be such devices for calculating tide tables.
As of a mastodon post last night, I have a new ambition of getting a FAANG interview armed with scissors, push-pins, and construction paper and answering the coding questions wordlessly, cutting out elaborate analog constructions that solve the problem mechanically.
@niconiconi Not the same, but see
Measure the area inside a curve. Wikipedia has a great explanation of that device's workings.
Mit dem Handheld #Oszilloskop von #OWON ist man auch mobil gut unterwegs mit dem #AnalogComputer #THAT von #Anabrid. Da braucht's dann auch keine Steckdose mehr, da man den THAT auch prima "ewig" von einer PowerBank betreiben kann. 😊 #AnalogComputing
#oszilloskop #owon #analogcomputer #that #anabrid #analogcomputing
Da ist er endlich, der lang ersehnte #AnalogComputer THAT („THe Analog Thing“) von #Anabrid! Jetzt muss ich mich – seit langem mal wieder – mit Differentialgleichungen beschäftigen, um diesen Computer ohne Speicher „programmieren“ (wohl eher „bestecken“ 😂) zu können. Herzlichen Dank an das gesamte Team von Anabrid, dass es noch vor Weihnachten geklappt hat, trotz all der heftigen Widrigkeiten in Produktion & Test! 🙏🫶 #analogcomputing #THAT
#analogcomputer #anabrid #analogcomputing #that
Da ist er endlich, der lang ersehnte #AnalogComputer THAT („THe Analog Thing“) von #Anabrid! Jetzt muss ich mich – seit langem mal wieder – mit Differentialgleichungen beschäftigen, um diesen Computer ohne Speicher „programmieren“ (wohl eher „bestecken“ 😂) zu können. Herzlichen Dank an das gesamte Team von Anabrid, dass es noch vor Weihnachten geklappt hat, trotz all der heftigen Widrigkeiten in Produktion & Test! 🙏🫶 #analogcomputing #THAT
#analogcomputer #anabrid #analogcomputing #that
i don’t use hashtags really.
well, i use exactly one, you may wanna check out #analogcomputing it’s neat
"To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.”
#mems (microelectromechanical systems)
#riscv #retrotech #analogcomputing #fractals #mems
It's rare for me to come across a type of computer science that I'm unfamiliar with, but this youtube video on analog computing was fascinating and one of the best youtube videos I've ever seen.
#analogcomputing #ai #computerscience