Ich bin schon sehr enttäuscht von meinem #AnaloguePocket, ich habe bis heute nicht geschafft ein einziges #GameBoy #Game zu starten. Egal wie sehr ich die Sachen Reinige oder was auch immer ich mache, ich bekomme nur einen #Error Screen. Hat vielleicht jemand aus der #Tech
Ecke hier noch eine Idee für mich?
Achja: @ThreeM auch Radieren und 99%ISO hat nicht geholfen.
ich weiß nicht mehr weiter
#repair #löten #Elektrotechnik #fpga #retrogaming #retrogames #nintendo #analogue
#analoguepocket #gameboy #game #error #tech #repair #loten #Elektrotechnik #fpga #retrogaming #retrogames #nintendo #analogue
Playing the English fan translation of „Sylvan Tale“ on the #AnaloguePocket and the #Everdrive GG. This is awesome!
just got a working bootsplash on my first try wiring in the video output for an #AnaloguePocket #AppleII core port!
I'm opening and setting up an #AnaloguePocket #GlowInTheDark
#analoguepocket #glowinthedark
I just love the Pocket's "GBC LCD+" screen mode!
(MegaMan World 5 DX).
#analoguepocket #nintendo #gameboy #gbc #retro
I had a #GameBoy Camera as a kid and walked around the house pretending it was a tricorder from #StarTrek.
Do I buy one now from eBay for my #AnaloguePocket as a webcam?
#gameboy #startrek #analoguepocket
I just re-run my entire GB/GBC games collection through the "Retro Patcher" to generate GB Studio .pocket files for the Analogue Pocket. Compared to last year, I found 36 brand-new titles. MegaMan World 5 DX, Metroid II - Return of Samus, both in full colour now. And many others i did not previously have. Nice.
#analoguepocket #retro #gameboy #gbc #nintendo
I’m just not very sane… please send help…
#analoguepocket #addicted #openfpga
Ohhhhh…. I saved one from eBay 😍🥳🤗
Unexpected delight from the Analogue Pocket: it has stereo speakers built in. Tons of portable games from the 80s and 90s had stereo sound, but the handhelds were almost universally mono affairs… which always struck me as a weird place to be cheap.
In any case, I am hearing things in old games that are rewriting my recollections of their sounds and music.
#analoguepocket #retrogames #gameboy #GBA #openfpga #emulation
#analoguepocket #retrogames #gameboy #gba #openfpga #emulation
Oh, my... I am getting old... my SolarStriker high score isn't what it used to be. 😞
#nintendo #gameboy #analoguepocket
Live now! Streaming for lolz. Let’s get some Analog Pocket coding on…
#ProjectFreedom #openFPGA #AnaloguePocket #FPGA #Verilog #IndieDev #GameDev #Twitch #Live
#projectfreedom #openfpga #analoguepocket #fpga #verilog #indiedev #gamedev #twitch #live
More pictures of SGB2 Vaporwave Edition running on Analogue Pocket!
#GameBoy #SNES #SuperFamicom #AnaloguePocket #Analogue #FPGAGaming #RomHack #Vaporwave #Synthwave #Retrowave #FutureFunk #LoFi #PixelArt #RetroGaming #Nostalgia
#gameboy #snes #superfamicom #analoguepocket #analogue #fpgagaming #romhack #vaporwave #synthwave #retrowave #futurefunk #lofi #pixelart #retrogaming #nostalgia
Just a reminder that Super Game Boy 2: Vaporwave Edition works great on Analogue Pocket. You can even load real cartridges with it!
#GameBoy #SNES #SuperFamicom #AnaloguePocket #Analogue #FPGAGaming #RomHacks #Vaporwave #Synthwave #Retrowave #FutureFunk #LoFi #PixelArt
#gameboy #snes #superfamicom #analoguepocket #analogue #fpgagaming #romhacks #vaporwave #synthwave #retrowave #futurefunk #lofi #pixelart
Any softshell cases/bags people can recommend for the #AnaloguePocket that I can buy in the EU?
I got my #analoguepocket yesterday and... I'm not sure what to make of it yet. The lack of screen filters in the OpenFPGA cores and limited variety/customisation of filters in the stock cores is disappointing. Having used the (£50!) RG35XX for a few months, the Pocket doesn't seem as much of a game changer as it may have seemed if I'd got it sooner. Plus, it's a big boy. I think I'll come to love it, but I reckon it's a grower.
Playing original Game Boy games has just reached a peak in 2023! These are so beautiful!
#retro #analoguepocket #gameboy #mario #gargoyle