Customer Service
An analogue synth session with a customer service script.
#experimentalmusic #analoguesynths #synthmusic #synth
Mastodetiquette seems to suggest I introduce myself, so... By day I'm a figure skating music editor @skatingmusicguy, in my spare time I make #hauntology #electronicmusic using #folkinstruments #kantele #xaphoon #saxophone #analoguesynths #modularsynth #Lyricon #oscillators #vintagemusicalinstruments #bitsofoldrubbish and #randomitemsIfoundinaskip. My album #TheDarkIsRising (radiophonic 1970s-ish soundtrack to the #SusanCooper book) came out on #cassette 2018, digital 2019, and on vinyl v soon!
#hauntology #electronicmusic #folkinstruments #kantele #xaphoon #saxophone #analoguesynths #modularsynth #lyricon #oscillators #vintagemusicalinstruments #bitsofoldrubbish #randomitemsifoundinaskip #thedarkisrising #susancooper #cassette