· @benx
242 followers · 1329 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Social Media Analogies: Reddit

Reddit is an area of shops that I try to avoid going to but sometimes I am forced to go to that area because it's the only place I can go that caters to a particularly niche interest of mine.

The shopping district is very busy with people flurrying around all over the place. It's really hard to find what you are looking for. You ask some people for help but they just end up being rude and patronising.

Eventually, you find what you are looking for. You are not sure if it will work or not but can't be bothered searching any more.

You leave as quickly as possible and feel a bit gross afterwards.

#socialmedia #analogy #reddit #ux

Last updated 1 year ago

· @benx
242 followers · 1329 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Social Media Analogies: a few more

Facebook: Feels like you are at work, or a boring family gathering, or a high school reunion

LinkedIn: Feels like you are at a workplace conference

Instagram: Feels like you are at a very trendy cafe

TikTok: Feels like a kids' playground

#socialmedia #analogy #Analogies #facebook #instagram #linkedin #ux #tiktok

Last updated 1 year ago

· @benx
242 followers · 1329 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Social Media Analogies: Mastodon/Fediverse

I walk into a moderately sized room where a bunch of people are having conversations in small groups.

I walk around the room and get a gist of what people are talking about.

I find it very easy to join conversations or start new conversations.

Nothing bad happens here. Ever. Don't question it or a monster emerges and eats people.

#socialmedia #analogy #mastodon #fediverse #ux

Last updated 1 year ago

· @benx
242 followers · 1329 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Social Media Analogies: Discord

Discord rooms are like a toilet stall with graffiti written on the inside.

Occasionally, someone writes a reply to the graffiti and a chain of a conversation emerges on the wall until it all gets wiped off and a new topic of conversation starts.

Outside of the toilet stall there are lots of signs about how to wash your hands properly and telling you not to be racist.

It feels really empty a lot of the time and it can take ages for someone to reply back. Sometimes your graffiti just gets wiped off or written over before anyone else responds.

#socialmedia #analogy #discord #ux

Last updated 1 year ago

· @benx
241 followers · 1311 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Social Media Analogies: Twitter

You walk into a festival. There are several stages in at the festival where people are crowded are crowded around individuals standing on stage.

On one of the stages says something that is very inane and everyone cheers.

On another stage someone else is locked up in a pillory having literal faeces thrown at them. This person wrote a post late at night, didn't get a response and went to sleep. In the morning they woke up secured to this stage and havn't been able to leave for at a least year now.

Several of the stages are just people saying offensive things very loudly while crowds of people get in fist fights around them.

People who aren't on the stages either stand alone in the field, talking to themselves, or try desperately to yell at the people on stage in order to get some attention.

#socialmedia #analogy #twitter #x #ux

Last updated 1 year ago

Robert Black · @RobertBlack
38 followers · 828 posts · Server mas.to
NDTV · @ndtv
55 followers · 2066 posts · Server india.goonj.xyz

Coming out strongly against the BJP's allegations of forgery, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Raghav Chadha today trashed the charges and said the ruling party had targeted him because it could not accept that a 34-year-old MP took on its tallest leaders.


#birthdayparty #raghavchadha #analogy #forgery

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
247 followers · 1784 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Survey of Precursors Of Category Theory • 4

A few years ago I began a sketch on the “Precursors of Category Theory”, tracing the continuities of the category concept from Aristotle, to Kant and Peirce, through Hilbert and Ackermann, to contemporary mathematical practice. A Survey of resources on the topic is given below, still very rough and incomplete, but perhaps a few will find it of use.

Background —

Precursors Of Category Theory

Propositions As Types Analogy

Blog Series —

Notes On Categories

Precursors Of Category Theory
1. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2013/12
2. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2013/12
3. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2014/01

Precursors Of Category Theory • Discussion
1. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09
2. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09
3. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09

Categories à la Peirce —

C.S. Peirce • A Guess at the Riddle

Peirce's Categories
1. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2015/10
2. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2015/10
3. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2015/11
19. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/05
20. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/05
21. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/06

#universals #typetheory #propositionsastypes #peircescategories #hypostaticabstraction #continuouspredicate #RelationTheory #functionallogic #foundationsofmathematics #diagrams #categorytheory #analogy #abstraction #saundersmaclane #ackermann #hilbert #carnap #kant #Peirce #aristotle

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
247 followers · 1781 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Survey of Abduction, Deduction, Induction, Analogy, Inquiry • 3

This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on three elementary forms of inference, as recognized by a logical tradition extending from Aristotle through Charles S. Peirce. Particular attention is paid to the way these inferential rudiments combine to form the more complex patterns of analogy and inquiry.

Blog Dialogs —

• Abduction, Deduction, Induction, Analogy, Inquiry
1. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2012/08
2. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2012/11
3. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2016/02
29. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/03
30. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/12
31. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/10

Blog Series —

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy
1. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/06
2. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/06
3. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/06
19. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/07
20. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/07
21. inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/07

OEIS Wiki —

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy

Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems

Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems

Information = Comprehension × Extension

Inquiry Driven Systems • Inquiry Into Inquiry

#informationequalscomprehensiontimesextension #inquirydrivensystem #semiotics #dynamicsofinquiry #DifferentialLogic #functionallogic #inquiry #analogy #induction #deduction #abduction #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Now that I think about it, the usage of a comma ( , ), period ( . ) and semicolon ( ; ) could be analogous to a car's speed on different obstacles.

A comma is like a steep incline; to not cause harm, you'd slow your speed to make sure the car doesn't go flying or crash.

A period is like a red traffic light. You'd need to stop your car at a complete standstill and pull the handbrakes. Then the light turns green, you accelerate.

A semicolon is like a speed bump; you're gonna need to be _way_ slower than going up the incline, but not to the point of stopping.

#analogy #punctuation

Last updated 1 year ago

RustyLMehlberg · @RustyMehlberg
63 followers · 325 posts · Server newsie.social

To put it in another way, enjoy this post from one of my favorite . The being used describes what I have been spending months trying to figure out how to put into words.

Overall, it takes effort to be the best person possible. If you don't do this, others with influence you into a that won't benefit you.


#website #analogy #informed #mindset

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
235 followers · 1737 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy • Preliminaries

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy

This report discusses C.S. Peirce's treatment of analogy, placing it in relation to his overall theory of inquiry. We begin by introducing three basic types of reasoning Peirce adopted from classical logic. In Peirce's analysis both inquiry and analogy are complex programs of logical inference which develop through stages of these three types, though normally in different orders.

Note on notation. The discussion to follow uses logical conjunctions, expressed in the form of concatenated tuples \(e_1 \ldots e_k,\) and minimal negation operations, expressed in the form of bracketed tuples \(\texttt{(} e_1 \texttt{,} \ldots \texttt{,} e_k \texttt{)},\) as the principal expression-forming operations of a calculus for boolean-valued functions, that is, for propositions. The expressions of this calculus parse into data structures whose underlying graphs are called “cacti” by graph theorists. Hence the name “cactus language” for this dialect of propositional calculus.

Resources —

Logic Syllabus

Boolean Function

Boolean-Valued Function

Logical Conjunction

Minimal Negation Operator

#PropositionalCalculus #CactusLanguage #logicalgraph #minimalnegationoperator #logicalconjunction #booleanfunction #inquiry #analogy #induction #deduction #abduction #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Yohan John 🤖🧠 · @DrYohanJohn
1352 followers · 1227 posts · Server fediscience.org

"Unlike medieval physicians, who often viewed the body as a microcosm of the universe, or classical scholars such as Plato, who structured the soul like a polis, Cohen proposes an alternative: man is a house in a walled city."


#analogy #metaphor

Last updated 1 year ago

Gregory B Sadler · @GregSadler
637 followers · 1044 posts · Server metalhead.club

Rene Descartes' Meditations is quite a rich and complex text. This often gets overlooked when one just focuses on the arguments and assumptions, and ignores some of the side discussions. Here's a piece about one of those!


#metaphor #certainty #dream #prisoner #philosophy #analogy #descartes

Last updated 1 year ago

damian entwistle · @ukdamo
45 followers · 295 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk
Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
226 followers · 1597 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Survey of Inquiry Driven Systems • 5

This is a Survey of work in progress on Inquiry Driven Systems, material I plan to refine toward a systematic treatment of the subject.

An “inquiry driven system” is a system having among its state variables some representing its state of information with respect to various questions of interest, for example, its own state and the states of potential object systems. Thus it has a component of state tracing a trajectory though an “information state space”.

Please follow the above link for the full set of resources.
Articles treating the more central ideas are linked below.

Elements —

Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems

Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems

Background —

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy

Functional Logic • Quantification Theory

Functional Logic • Higher Order Propositions

Developments —

Inquiry Driven Systems • Inquiry Fields

Inquiry Driven Systems • Inquiry Into Inquiry

Applications —

Conceptual Barriers to Creating Integrative Universities

Interpretation as Action • The Risk of Inquiry

An Architecture for Inquiry • Building Computer Platforms for Discovery

Exploring Research Data Interactively • Theme One : A Program of Inquiry

#dynamicsofinquiry #analogy #induction #deduction #abduction #systemsengineering #interpretation #SignRelations #semiotics #informationstatespace #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
227 followers · 1560 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz


Maybe of interest, a background piece on and I put together for my work on .

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy

This report discusses C.S. Peirce's treatment of analogy, placing it in relation to his overall theory of inquiry. We begin by introducing three basic types of reasoning Peirce adopted from classical logic. In Peirce's analysis both inquiry and analogy are complex programs of logical inference which develop through stages of these three types, although normally in different orders.

#InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiry #analogy

Last updated 1 year ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
393 followers · 1810 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@trendless also sorry for my continuing rant but this is how I keep my low

my expertise is also sales.. quite legendary at it & the best way to sell is a teeny tiny bit of

30% will never ever buy
30% are already sold
the last 33.3% can go either way

& do not understand sales but selling this is an & nuance doesn’t matter if you can’t get their attention

It’s called a or & tbh get them confused always so🤷🏻‍♀️

#bp #hyperbole #exaggeration #scientist #researchers #elevatorpitch #metaphor #analogy

Last updated 1 year ago

Matt Slocombe · @mattslocombe
226 followers · 170 posts · Server mastodon.world

Fascinating talk from @shiwali on analogical memory for interactive robots at last week's Analogical Minds seminar.

Recording now available here: youtube.com/watch?v=ZBJsHyiSBa

Seminar info: analogicalminds.com

@cogsci @cognition

#ai #ml #analogy

Last updated 1 year ago

@mattslocombe @cogsci @cognition

Thank you! I had a blast talking about , , , . The forum was the very BEST: very insightful students & delightful psychologists.

Honestly, I learned quite a bit from the discussions. Amidst the world wide storm of and , sometimes we forget why is so special.

#ai #cognition #analogy #openworldlearning #InteractiveTaskLearning #ml #humanIntelligence

Last updated 1 year ago