Analysis paralysis is a feature, not a bug. #webcomics #animalmeme #analysisparalysis #anxiety #overthinking #skink
#webcomics #animalmeme #analysisparalysis #anxiety #overthinking #skink
Unveiling "The ADHD Dilemma: Analysis Paralysis" - my personal journey through the challenges of decision-making with ADHD. Join me in exploring the complexities of analysis paralysis and discovering the power of self-acceptance. #ADHD #AnalysisParalysis #PersonalStory
#adhd #analysisparalysis #personalstory
#art #analysisparalysis When buying a poster frame for art I've purchased, does it need to be some specific deal or is a frame off of Amazon or what have you good enough?
@DieselMcBeef I’ve been curious to get tattooed but could never decide where to begin and with what. #AnalysisParalysis
What artwork are you having added?
@meeplays Ja, das tat weh. Das Spiel ist aber sehr solide, solange du nicht den Start ver..ckt hast, dann wird es durch nur 6 Runden á 3-5 Aktionen brutal. Du verlierst, wenn du
* keine Kombos auslösen kannst
* etwas außen vor läßt (insbesondere Wiederbevölkerung und damit Wagenbau), oder
* die Tracker (insbsondere Ansehen (viele Punkte) und Kirche (mehr Worker)) nicht voran bringst.
Sehr verzahnt, recht komplex und du kannst nur begrenzt vorausdenken. Kann #AnalysisParalysis auslösen.
Took down the old card table #electronics #workbench and put up a dining room table version. Not at all in the final state, especially the megajanky power situation. But I've learned over the years that the only way to avoid #AnalysisParalysis is to Just Do Something (#adhd)
The empty builtin bookshelves will also be filled in pretty short order.
#electronics #workbench #analysisparalysis #adhd
Many #Microsoft #Windows users frequently find themselves:
- Frustrated by awkward, confusing, repetitive, or time-consuming workflows.
- Disappointed with the user interface and its limited customization options.
- Wishing they could just install MacOS or Linux on their machine, but can't because of hardware or policy constraints.
There are thousands of custom apps, #ShellScripts, #RegistryHacks, and other tweaks out there which we can use to make Windows more intuitive, faster, easier on the eyes, and tailor it precisely to our individual whims.
But part of the problem is that there are so many options! How do we know which ones to use? Which ones are safe to install? Stable? Actively maintained? Supported by a thriving user community? 🤯 Welcome to #AnalysisParalysis; Having too many options is roughly equivalent to having no options at all.
Fortunately, #LinusTechTips has a video that covers 95% of the mods I recommend to every Windows user. Check it out:
#microsoft #windows #shellscripts #registryhacks #analysisparalysis #linustechtips
Uh oh, trying to build a personal website (separate from my #blog) and am now on hour 2 of trying to pick out a #StaticSiteGenerator. Have gone from Hugo to Eleventy to Next.js to Gatsby with no end in site.
I just want a basic site that includes a resume subpage - why am I making this so difficult?!?!
#analysisparalysis #staticsitegenerator #blog
Does anyone have strong feelings one way or the other about getting the DJI remote without the built-in display vs the one with it?
I have an iPhone 12 Max Pro which has better screen brightness than the remote (820 nits vs 700 nits). So aside from faster setup, what’s the draw?
#drones #dji #analysisparalysis
Die erste Partie Weather Machine von Großmeister Vital Lacerda & Ian O'Toole - nicht nur optisch ein absoluter Genuss! Wenn man sich zurecht gefunden hat, spielt es sich fantastisch!
#spieltmehrbrettspiele #weathermachine #vitallacerada #iano'toole #eaglegryphon #boardgames #analysisparalysis #grübellähmung #meeple #powertothemeeple #meepleandiemacht #analogeunterhaltung #brettspielsüchtig
#spieltmehrbrettspiele #weathermachine #vitallacerada #iano #eaglegryphon #boardgames #analysisparalysis #grubellahmung #Meeple #powertothemeeple #meepleandiemacht #analogeunterhaltung #brettspielsuchtig
Wife ran headlong into the #Mastodon #instance #AnalysisParalysis effect (not sure if there's a better term for the hopefully-short-term variant of this which is more "all the free instances are falling over") & decided to just go join #cohost instead.
Wonder what'd be less effort to create/maintain: a 2-person Masto server, or a 1-person Masto-to-Cohost bridge? 🙃
#mastodon #instance #analysisparalysis #cohost
damn i think i get why everyone on the webside keeps using framework.
The #AnalysisParalysis is real if you wanna start form zero, but the key is to just make a div on the page. It's just a program. Like any other
but we build things from zero (some relative zero at least) all the time, what could there be to building a web app without relying on any framework?
I have so many things I’d love to code, like finally finishing Crafting Interpreters or writing my own Redis server or writing a program that generates mazes or raytraces an image but it’s really overwhelming 😖😖😖
Edit: oh, and how could I forget the humble text-to-speech bot?! Which I actually did start working on a little bit here:
#programming #analysisparalysis
I’ve figured out what’s behind (a lot of) my #analysisparalysis around #writing *and then posting* anything useful on my blog/site/etc: it’s that I feel an immense obligation to Get Stuff Right, and not publish stuff which isn’t 100% “correct” and researched, unless I flag it very clearly as not-authoritative. 🧵…
#Introductions I'm part of the #TwitterMigration - Mastodon seems built on far better principles - I wish I'd found it earlier. I hate first posts - too much pressure to get them right. #AnalysisParalysis
#analysisparalysis #twittermigration #introductions
I started Monster Sanctuary. Trying to wrap my head around building a team. Every monster gets equipment and has their own skill tree. It's too early for the real strategy to emerge, but feel like I've spent too much time reading all the potential things I could do with them.
#analysisparalysis #videogames #monstersanctuary