Lupposofi · @lupposofi
216 followers · 3683 posts · Server

Filosofian ja empiiristen tieteiden suhdetta pohtii kiintoisasti Catarina Dutilh Novaesin DN-essee synteettisestä filosofiasta,

Filosofiassa 'synteettinen' ei merkitse keinotekoista tai ei-analyyttista, vaan empiirisesti tiedettävissä olevan integrointia käsitteelliseen tutkimukseen ja pyrkimystä hahmottaa "metsää" erityistieteiden "puilta".

#science #tiede #Synthetic #analytic #analyysi #ethos #metodi #method #philosophy #filosofia

Last updated 1 year ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
608 followers · 551 posts · Server
Robert Norlyn :coffefied: · @robertnorlyn
503 followers · 4999 posts · Server

@AnarchoNinaWrites That’s interesting. I had an intelligence guy try to recruit me once after finding out that I had majored in philosophy. It was so random because I was working at a hotel at the time. I was always interested in all of the guests traveling through.


Last updated 1 year ago

Domingos Faria · @dfaria
1132 followers · 114 posts · Server
· @louna
1 followers · 24 posts · Server

p.50-1: "What is striking to a philosopher is that practically all English-speaking philosophy is included in the condemnation of inauthentic life: it is considered superficial and trivial. Nor is this merely a partisan view. When we have read Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche, Rilke, Kafka, Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre, and Camus, and then look at the prose of English and American philosophers and at the problems they discuss, our first impression may well be that they managed the rare feat of being frivolous and dull at once. Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche, however, as well as Rilke and Kafka are dead; and except for Nietzsche they were not philosophers in any case. And when we compare the writings of our own philosophers with those of Jaspers, Heidegger, and Sartre's philosophic efforts, the picture is changed."


Last updated 1 year ago

Domingos Faria · @dfaria
1093 followers · 261 posts · Server
Prof Felipe Gusmao · @fgusmao
1353 followers · 191 posts · Server

150 (or so) Arguments for

"A popular view in contemporary of is that while there are many arguments for -- , , and arguments; arguments; arguments from ; etc. (...) -- there are only one or two arguments for atheism, viz., the problem of and (more recently) the argument from hiddenness.

This is a misconception. Here are well over 150"


#atheism #analytic #philosophy #religion #theism #cosmological #ontological #teleological #moral #consciousness #evil #divine

Last updated 2 years ago

Gregory B Sadler · @GregSadler
470 followers · 301 posts · Server

Facebook reminds me that I modified a philosophy meme that was going around 3 years ago

#lemmy #dio #heavymetal #history #continental #analytic #philosophy #memes

Last updated 2 years ago

Dom · @freeDomForTooting
47 followers · 127 posts · Server

have just published the results of a project that Renato Assante, Davide Marenduzzo, Alexander Morozov, and I recently worked on together! What did we do and what’s new? Briefly…

suspensions behave in a similar way to fluids containing kinesin and microtubules. Both systems can be described by the same system of three coupled nonlinear .

A of these equations suggests that variations in concentration across the system don’t significantly affect emergent . How then can we explain that show visible inhomogeneities in mixtures, for instance?

With increasing activity, we move away from the quiescent regime, past the onset of , and deeper into the active phase, where become more important. What role do concentration inhomogeneities play here?

We investigated these questions, taking advantage of the framework to simulate the full nonlinear time evolution. This led us to predict a regime of into active (nematically ordered) and passive domains.

Active flow arrests macrophase separation in this regime, counteracting domain coarsening due to thermodynamic coupling between active matter concentration and order. As a result, domains reach a characteristic size that decreases with increasing activity.

This regime is one part of the we mapped out. Along with our other findings, you can read all about it here!


#microswimmer #opensource #Dedalus #spectral #novel #spontaneous #microphaseSeparation #nematic #phasediagram #reynoldsnumber #turbulence #ActiveTurbulence #theoreticalphysics #biophysics #science #research #ActiveGel #cytoskeleton #mpi #BerisEdwards #computationalPhysics #simulation #softmatter #PDEs #LinearStabilityAnalysis #phaseBehaviour #experiments #microtubule #kinesin #SpontaneousFlow #nonlinearities #CahnHilliard #activematter #navierstokes #condensedmatter #phasetransitions #statisticalphysics #fluiddynamics #fieldtheory #PaperThread #newpaper #activeNematic #analytic #hydrodynamics #theory

Last updated 2 years ago

Dom · @freeDomForTooting
44 followers · 125 posts · Server

have just published the results of a project that Renato Assante, Davide Marenduzzo, Alexander Morozov, and I recently worked on together! What did we do and what’s new? Briefly…

The behaviour of inhomogeneous gels (such as extensile bundles of filaments or suspensions of low swimmers) can be described by the time evolution of three coupled .

Standard concludes, from a of these equations, that fluctuations in concentration don’t significantly affect emergent . However, this leaves of visible inhomogeneities in mixtures unexplained. As we move away from the passive (quiescent) regime, past the onset of , and deeper into the active phase, become more important. What role do concentration inhomogeneities play here?

Alongside techniques, we used an in-house -parallel code developed within the framework to investigate. We predict a regime of into active (nematically ordered) and passive domains. In this regime, active flow arrests macrophase separation, which is itself driven by the thermodynamic coupling between active matter concentration and order. As a result, domains do not past a typical size, which decreases with increasing activity. This regime is one part of the we mapped out.

Along with our other findings, you can read all about it here!

#softmatter #activeNematic #cytoskeletal #reynoldsnumber #phaseBehaviour #experimental #microtubule #navierstokes #BerisEdwards #condensedmatter #phasetransitions #theoreticalphysics #research #PDEs #LinearStabilityAnalysis #spectral #novel #spontaneous #microphaseSeparation #nematic #coarsen #phasediagram #CahnHilliard #activematter #biophysics #statisticalphysics #fluiddynamics #computationalPhysics #simulation #fieldtheory #PaperThread #newpaper #science #hydrodynamic #ActiveGel #theory #observations #kinesin #SpontaneousFlow #nonlinearities #analytic #mpi #Dedalus

Last updated 2 years ago

Domingos Faria · @dfaria
883 followers · 299 posts · Server

New : "Women in the History of Analytic Philosophy" (edited by Jeanne Peijnenburg and Sander Verhaegh). The book makes clear that contributed substantially to the development of in all areas of philosophy:

#book #women #analytic #philosophy

Last updated 2 years ago

Discussion on the birdie about the reasons I moved back to rather than going all the way , in the context of my , and work.
I just feel that + + in a column store engine eg , or or with the occasional and C mode is a much better fit for many tasks

#perl #python #sequencing #bioinformatics #analytics #rstats #SQL #mariadb #duckdb #clickhouse #analytic

Last updated 2 years ago

Benjamin T. Rancourt · @benjaminrancourt
0 followers · 3 posts · Server

Do you think any philosopher would want to hear about the relevance of the big Other to 's rule-following argument?

#analytic #Lacanian #wittgenstein

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Boardman · @TomBoardman1985
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Introduction Time!
Well hello there stranger! 37 year old , omninerd and general fan here.
I like : specifically for the thrills and , for the bills (also some thrills: please refrain from kink shaming).
I like : I read mostly adjacent stuff these days, but I’ll rant on stuff any day.
Other sources of joy:

#dad #art #Maths #cohomology #data #philosophy #levinas #analytic #boardgames #beethoven #bach #Rap #prog #zelda #roguelikes #dnd #scifi #breadtube #leftism #spirituality #christianity #hiking

Last updated 2 years ago

Mizmar · @Mizmar
41 followers · 426 posts · Server

It all depends, as they say in @philosophy , what you mean by "define".
Are you looking for a dictionary definition to replace those in OED or Webster? Are you establishing an axiom - along with axioms on "concepts", "information", "comprehend" (which are doing a lot of heavy lifting here) and some lemme, to derive something? Are you being polemical, and looking for an, ever popular, "it's true by definition" result? Do you think that meaning derives from definition?


Last updated 2 years ago

Bob Stepno · @BobStep
163 followers · 389 posts · Server

Anybody coming up with Mastodon tools...

For instance:
Get a user's comparative toots-replies-boosts stats?
Do something similar for all members of a particular instance?
Who's writing?
Where are all of the boosts for a message coming from?

I'm about as far from a "quant" or coder as you can get, but curious about ways to imagine and describe this new collective community.

#data #analytic #anthropologist #ethnographer #virtualcommunity #justcurious #retiredjournalist

Last updated 2 years ago

Domingos Faria · @dfaria
601 followers · 189 posts · Server

11th European Congress of @Philosophy -- call for papers:


Last updated 2 years ago

Sandrine Berges · @sandrineankara
257 followers · 22 posts · Server
Mizmar · @Mizmar
25 followers · 184 posts · Server

@olive @philosophy

Quite right. I've managed to get through a lifetime of interest in philosophy without ever opening Heidegger or Nietzsche :)


Last updated 2 years ago

ᴄᴏʀʀᴀᴅᴏ · @astrocorus
45 followers · 56 posts · Server