PirateLSAT · @PirateLSAT
1 followers · 14 posts · Server esq.social

And that, my friends, is my guide for the very first when to prepare for the .

The next step is laying out the 3 sections, , and explaining how to approach each one.

Then we can drill down into the various types of questions, , , etc.

There are so many ways to analyze and understand the , it really is a and challenging !

Comments welcome!

#steps #starting #lsat #logical #reasoning #reading #analytical #games #passages #fascinating #exam #guide

Last updated 1 year ago

Come be my colleague! We’re expanding from 8-9 tenure lines, looking for scholarship that uses the techniques or ideas of analytical, inorganic, or physical chemistry. PhD required.


#chemjobs #chemiverse #PUI #proflife #inorganic #physical #analytical #tenuretrack

Last updated 1 year ago

Brilliant brainpower πŸ§ βž•οΈβž–οΈβž—οΈβœ–οΈπŸ€³πŸ»

#analytical #selfie #mindset #genius #Formulas #filter #physics #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Meet @SMWadgymar ,co author of


on language barriers in .

β€œMy research program tests predictions in & biology by integrating field-based and greenhouse with & techniques.”

#biology #theoretical #ecology #evolutionary #experiments #laboratory #analytical #womeninstem #phd #academia

Last updated 2 years ago

⏣ Prof. Oliver Jones · @Dr_Oli_Jones
618 followers · 233 posts · Server fosstodon.org

What are some of the of watching & on ? Find out some of mine in the fun I made with the RMIT University team. Paste your own bugbears or questions in the (I’ll try to reply) or just enjoy. πŸ˜€

@theconversationau @cenmag @rsv

#bugbears #analytical #chemists #chemistry #science #tv #explainer #comms #comments #ozchem #scicomm

Last updated 2 years ago

⏣ Prof. Oliver Jones · @Dr_Oli_Jones
618 followers · 233 posts · Server fosstodon.org

What are some of the of watching & on ? Find out some of mine in the fun I made with the RMIT University team. Paste your own bugbears or questions in the (I’ll try to reply) or just enjoy. πŸ˜€

@theconversationau @cenmag @rsv

#bugbears #analytical #chemists #chemistry #science #tv #explainer #comms #comments #ozchem #scicomm

Last updated 2 years ago

I would LOVE to know how are coming to these with this particular . I find the aspect of how ppl's work to be a fascinating subject. Wondering how much of it is based on vs. .🀣 Hint: If you check my & , you'll have better luck with your guesses.πŸ˜‰

#analysis #Data #dataanalysis #analytical #bio #profile #toots #Skills #reasoning #deductive #logical #perception #minds #Poll #conclusions #tooters

Last updated 2 years ago

2 followers · 209 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Look at that chromatography! Beautiful- and information rich!
RT @polyomics
is focussed on the profiling of within biological samples. Our highly skilled research team have established robust and data processing workflows to meet the demands of research studies requiring advanced lipid analysis.

#lipidomicstakeover #analytical #Lipids #lcms #chromatography #hrms #lipidomics

Last updated 2 years ago

PeterGuen · @pguen
77 followers · 291 posts · Server universeodon.com

There's so much swirling around in my head it makes me . That's the most statement my will allow. We live or we die together, except for the . They get an or a One Way . It's the second option that makes me grin like the .

If this makes sense to you, you've passed the Turing Test.


#negative #truth #smile #absurdly #positive #analytical #brain #onepercent #extension #tickettomars #joker

Last updated 2 years ago

Alan Kotok · @technewslit
684 followers · 181 posts · Server journa.host
Domingos Faria · @dfaria
969 followers · 570 posts · Server s.dfaria.eu
FenjanπŸ¦– · @fenjan
2 followers · 33 posts · Server sigmoid.social
IMBE · @imbe
324 followers · 293 posts · Server ecoevo.social
IMBE · @imbe
324 followers · 288 posts · Server ecoevo.social
Raptor · @Raptorrrr
13 followers · 41 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Intro post/expanded bio so you can decide whether you want to follow me, or mute/block! Curate a comfy space for yourself!

(with fully informed consent! Forced sterilization is a horror)

she/her, cisgender, heterosexual, white, ex-liberal, grew up Christian. Assertive about standing against all domination bullshit that comes from these lanes, first and especially in myself and then a little more gently in others. Committed to learning how to wield my privilege in the service of those who have less, and mostly getting the fuck out of the way.

Fledgling far-leftist, so posts will sometimes contain liberal/neoliberal processing and deconstruction ("Wow I had XYZ really annoying neolib thought today come up because of societal brainwashing, here's how it's wrong and why I hate it"). Feel free to mute or block if you're years past that shit and it would annoy you to see. Hope I get there someday.

Continually trying to balance my misanthropic and humanistic tendencies. I believe people would irritate me far less if they weren't raised in a meritocratic society, but as it is now I am firmly an introvert.

Not liberal, not Democrat, still vote but not a fan of electoral politics. All politicians are disappointing so I don't really care to talk about them or hear about them. Goes for all famous/powerful/charismatic leader-type people really, unless you're posting coordinates about where we can go [hold up a nasty sign in their face]. Not a vegan; I support humane livestock farming and Indigenous foodways. Love cats but not hashtagging it because idk how much you'll see mine because they are Not Photogenic lol.

Depressed. Anxious. Chronic pessimist but I keep the doomer shit to a minimum in public spaces because I'm not trying to make life worse for other people. Γ“nen i-Estel Edain. Ú-chebin estel anim. (Lord of the Rings Elvish for, "I give hope to [others]. I keep none for myself.")

The mental health field is sanist and oppressive, but I have been in a lot of therapy and counseling, so I'm well versed in interpersonal analysis ("why would someone do this/say this/think this?") because I analyze myself like that a lot. Monogamously partnered, continuously practicing improving my communication skills with him. Located in the United States Rust Belt. Work full-time, wish I had more energy for reading theory and all that other stuff I'm apparently supposed to be doing, but I'm mostly just exhausted.

Wordy. Analytical. Overly serious but will also try to post shit that makes me laugh. Thank you to my instance for their generous character limit :)

#leftist #Anarchist #anticapitalist #antifa #antifascist #communist #depression #dissociation #therapy #counseling #analytical #exvangelical #feminist #childfree #sterilization #introvert #millennial

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Farhana Sultana · @farhanasultana
2386 followers · 120 posts · Server mastodon.social

Grateful to be teaching my course on again for the umpteenth time this coming semester. Why? Because it's necessary, it's in demand, it's crucial to educate more people faster & in ways about & & from a perspective. It's not just about having a seat at the table, but changing what the table is.✊

#climatejustice #critical #analytical #interdisciplinary #climatechange #climatecrisis #justice #globalsouth

Last updated 2 years ago

Itamar Medeiros · @designative
230 followers · 747 posts · Server mastodon.social

Reducing the cost of overload is an challenge. can track expenses down to two decimal places, but they often have minimal understanding of how people are spending most of their time collaborating each week. are overspending their people by asking them to collaborate so broadly and frequently on all forms of work without understanding the true costs.


#collaboration #analytical #leaders #financial #managers #teamwork #teamtopologies #sharedunderstanding #projectmanagement

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
669 followers · 1678 posts · Server mastodon.social

Combining with multimodal can significantly improve the performance of . These improvements may benefit noninvasive monitoring, such as testing that involves saliva or sweat.


#machine #learning #electrochemical #sensing #analytical #biosensors #health #engineering #ai #artificialintelligence #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago

Mx. Dahlia · @DahliaRedux
34 followers · 68 posts · Server mastodon.world

My brain struggles with anything or It wanders far too easily, , I guess that's why I prefer things or using tech to create things, making weird/soothing sounds from machines, little and And lots of it goes unfinished as I get distracted and don't focus 🀣

#logical #analytical #daydreaming #creating #rhythms #beats

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2150 followers · 666 posts · Server aus.social

Good evening ! :fediverse: In tonight's , I'd like to introduce you all to

@amg - the ANU Advanced Materials Group at the Research School of Physics, led by Prof @jodiebradby and Prof Patrick Kluth.

@jodiem is a generalist and she enjoys and (me too, Jodie!) πŸ˜ͺ πŸ‘‹

@Richard_Littler is a and graphic , and the creator of @scarfolk πŸ‘‹

@katiedigc is into , , , . They are a πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ in πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί based in on and country πŸ‘‹

@darren is a of at Swinburne and a πŸ‘‹

@emmadavidson is a Member of the Parliament and represents the Greens πŸ’š She is passionate about people and the , and is lovely.

@Sminney is a πŸ‘‹

@superroach is awesome. He loves , and is based in Dja Dja Warrung country . He's one of my favourite people and is a brilliant ❀️ πŸ‘‹

@drupad is doing precision and is into . They are a and researching and πŸ‘‹ βš•οΈ

@huoncurtis does and on emerging , , and at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (who I don't think are on Mastodon yet).

More tomorrow! Night all!

#fediverse #connectionlist #introduction #tech #swimming #sleeping #writer #artist #edtech #highered #meded #socmed #canberra #cbr #ngunnawal #ngambri #professor #astrophysics #runner #act #environment #digitalhumanities #postgrad #hotchocolate #gaming #ballarat #photography #photographer #medicine #wearables #biomedical #scientist #analytical #chemist #tuberculosis #parkinsons #research #strategy #inclusion #resilience #foreignpolicy #security

Last updated 2 years ago