Matthew's Basilisk*: Someday when Matt becomes all powerful, I will torment & torture those that didn't work towards this outcome. By the power of #AnalyticPhilosophy Class 101 #logic, you now feel compelled to make me into an all powerful ruler of the world.
*see Roko's basilisk
But our confidence rests not on objectivity but rather on the convictional power of the Holy Spirit.
J. K. A. Smith
#swinburne #analyticphilosophy #上推讀書 #certaintyoffaith
This is very good! Christoph Schuringa on #radicalism, #analyticphilosophy, and #McCarthyism. A really good explanation of why working in academic philosophy can be an alienating experience even today.
#McCarthyism #analyticphilosophy #radicalism
Volume 18, No. 2, 2022 Special Issue Interactions between analytic and Islamic philosophy/theology - European Journal of Analytical Philosophy
#analyticphilosophy #islamicphilosophy #islamictheology
#ACGrayling - #WittgensteinsGames
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfLanguage #AnalyticPhilosophy #Meaning #Math #Maths #Mathematics #Competition #Logic #Language #MeaningOfLanguage #LanguageGame #LanguageGames #Uncertainty #Silence #Religion
#religion #silence #uncertainty #languagegames #languagegame #meaningoflanguage #language #logic #competition #mathematics #maths #math #meaning #analyticphilosophy #PhilosophyOfLanguage #philosophy #wittgensteinsgames #acgrayling
Lost in language
#analyticphilosophy #language #thought
#analyticphilosophy #language #thought
The Analytic School of philosophy has some of its roots in the Neo-Positivist movement that was centered around the Vienna School and the Berlin School. After at least one assassination and other serious persecutions, the Neo-Positivists fled from the spreading influence of Nazi Germany, and some set down roots in English universities. The Analytic philosophers were fiercely critical of British idealism, and they believed that knowledge must be based on evidence.
#analyticphilosophy #philosophy
‘Once upon a time two explorers came upon a clearing in the jungle. In the clearing were growing many flowers and many weeds. One explorer says, “Some gardener must tend this plot”. The other disagrees, . . .’
#antonyflew #theology #atheism #analyticphilosophy
‘Once upon a time two explorers came upon a clearing in the jungle. In the clearing were growing many flowers and many weeds. One explorer says, “Some gardener must tend this plot”. The other disagrees, . . .’
#antonyflew #theology #atheism #analyticphilosophy
#NoamChomsky (born December 7, 1928) an #American #Linguist, #Philosopher, #CognitiveScientist, #HistoricalEssayist, #SocialCritic, and #PoliticalActivist. Sometimes called "the father of modern linguistics", #Chomsky also a major figure in #AnalyticPhilosophy & one of the founders of the field of cognitive science. He is a #LaureateProfessor of #Linguistics at the #UniversityofArizona & an Institute #ProfessorEmeritus at the #MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology (MIT).
#massachusettsinstituteoftechnology #professoremeritus #UniversityofArizona #linguistics #laureateprofessor #analyticphilosophy #chomsky #PoliticalActivist #socialcritic #historicalessayist #cognitivescientist #philosopher #linguist #american #noamchomsky
By way of #introduction I might mention that I am a #historian of @philosophy working on, among other things, the #history of #AnalyticPhilosophy and its place within the broader context of twentieth century #philosophy especially in relation to the various traditions under the heading of 'Continental' Philosophy (e.g. #Phenomenology or #CriticalTheory). I am also interested in #aesthetics and @intellectualhistory
I enjoy musical improvisation and making noise.
I do not enjoy word-limits.
#introduction #historian #history #analyticphilosophy #philosophy #phenomenology #criticaltheory #aesthetics
Sadly, Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), the founder of analytic philosophy & quantificational logic, was also a Far-Right extremist and an eliminationist antisemite. A supporter of the fascist DVFP, then in a formal alliance with the Nazis, Frege proposed that an ultranationalist political theology could boost the prospects of the extremist Far Right. Read more here:
#philosophy #analyticphilosophy #frege
Neo-Quineanism and the method of metaphysics: a new blog post in which I take issue with the idea that ontological disputes must be formulated in a framework that presupposed 'unrestricted existence'. I argue that such a framework prejudges many of the most interesting ontological questions.
#ontology #metaphysics #analyticphilosophy #philosophy
Apropos of nothing, my favourite #AnalyticPhilosophy philosophers (speaking as a #continentalphilosophy - leaning person) are Sellars, McDowell and Austin. Who are yours? #philosophy
#philosophy #continentalphilosophy #analyticphilosophy
For my day job I’m a compiler engineer at Shopify working on a new ruby JIT written in #rust
In my spare time I’m a cohost of the future of coding podcast. #futureofcoding
Also a big fan of philosophy particularly #analyticphilosophy
#introduction #rust #futureofcoding #analyticphilosophy
Lurching, stumbling, crawling my way onto here as the site struggles to keep up with the influx... By way of #introduction I'm a #philosopher at University of Nottingham, interested in:
- Metametaphysics
- History of analytic philosophy
- Games
- Medical ethics
Now I need to find some #philosophy accounts to follow I guess!
#MedicalEthics #games #analyticphilosophy #metaphysics #philosophy #philosopher #introduction