TL Jordan · @dulcedemon
47 followers · 828 posts · Server

I learned the hard way that U.S. airlines are not currently required to have EpiPens

"Anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, is a life-threatening medical emergency and has to be treated with epinephrine as soon as possible. The glass vial of epinephrine planes carry is hard to use, and administering it safely involves multiple time-consuming steps that require medical knowledge."

#anaphylaxis #allergies #epinephrine #epipens

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1750 followers · 3721 posts · Server

Will tick-bite allergy, AGS (alpha-gal syndrome), turn us all into vegetarians and help save the planet?

Unlikely. But the deadly disease has been on the rise in the U.S., causing anaphylactic shock in previously healthy people who consume mammal meat and milk after being bitten by the Lone Star Tick (found mostly in the South and Midwest). And most doctors are still ignorant of the disease.

#allergies #ticks #anaphylaxis #vegetarian #publichealth

Last updated 1 year ago

shanacodes · @shanacodes
115 followers · 78 posts · Server

It is very much in my personal interest to spread the safety gospel of the EpiPen because I am an anaphylaxis-haver.

I really, REALLY want you to inject me with my EpiPen if I'm having an allergic reaction and I want you to not be scared of it.

Boost for visibility!

#allergies #anaphylaxis

Last updated 1 year ago

shanacodes · @shanacodes
115 followers · 78 posts · Server

EpiPens are extremely safe. Adverse reactions from epinephrine are almost always from overdoses or IV doses, neither of which is possible with an EpiPen!

The myth that EpiPens are dangerous leads to their chronic underuse:

#allergies #anaphylaxis

Last updated 1 year ago

shanacodes · @shanacodes
115 followers · 78 posts · Server

What's up with this myth that EpiPens are dangerous?

They are EXTREMELY SAFE. Yes, even if you're not in anaphylaxis. Yes, even if you inject it into your finger (don't do that though, that will hurt!!)

#allergies #anaphylaxis

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Pho, MD · @kevinmd
276 followers · 383 posts · Server

Tragic food allergy anaphylaxis deaths expose a nation's mistake

Lianne Mandelbaum is founder, the No Nut Traveler, and can be reached on Twitter @nonuttraveler.

Listen here:

#foodallergy #anaphylaxis #foodsafety #publicawareness

Last updated 1 year ago

Alan Kotok · @technewslit
867 followers · 400 posts · Server
KelsonV · @KelsonV
460 followers · 9487 posts · Server

At first I thought this was a followup to another story about an anaphylactic reaction during an airplane flight *last week*. No, it's a totally separate incident.

One patient had an expired epi-pen. The other had never had before.

Both planes had bottles of and a syringe, not an auto-injector. Fortunately there were doctors on both flights who knew how to properly fill and deliver a shot.

#anaphylaxis #epinephrine #allergy #foodallergy

Last updated 2 years ago

Sandy Lawrence · @swlawrence
24 followers · 102 posts · Server

AAAS: "Nervous system may play role in severe allergic reactions" Anaphylaxis strikes about 2% of the US population each yr, not at random but in predisposed individuals. Common triggers are nuts, bee stings, sesame, aspirin, penicillin. These allergens cause mast cells in tissue + basophils in the bloodstream to release histamine + other molecules which dilate blood vessels + narrow airways. Body temperature sometimes drops as well. In mice exposed to ovalbumin — the main protein in egg whites + a known trigger — a key area in the spinal cord is activated by an an enzyme called chymase, which interacts with neurons connecting to brain areas that regulate body temperature. “It was cool find a new mediator that actually triggered a crosstalk between the neurons and the [immune] cells.” Severely allergic individuals often need to carry an Epipen [I won't even talk about how crazy high the price got for this form of injectable epinephrine]. Anahylaxis can be severe enough to require hospitalization, even resusitation. But I have treated milder reactions in the office with a combination of epinephrine, types 1 + 2 antihistamines + corticosteroids, followed by observations before discharge. Research will be ongoing to find drugs directed against this novel root cause of anaphylaxis, which might allow prevention instead of just treatment. Salute the onward march of science.      

#anaphylaxis #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Harrigan · @peterwjharrigan
17 followers · 38 posts · Server
DB Schwein · @deirdrebeth
210 followers · 974 posts · Server

Do I know anyone who suffers from anaphylaxis?
My late father had an unopened epipen box and I'd love to pass it along to someone who needs it, rather than recycle it back to the hospital.
I'll happily mail it anywhere in the US.

#communitymedicine #anaphylaxis #epipen

Last updated 2 years ago

J. Pavela, MD · @f1dg3t
10 followers · 66 posts · Server

It would be very scary to have an episode of on an airplane, as the airline medical kits are not required to carry an EpiPen. But they do have epinephrine in a vial. In this case, a doctor was on board and intervened. I agree with the @aerospace medical association that EpiPens should be stocked, but a band-aid solution could be to print visual guides on how to draw and deliver IM epinephrine... checklists work even for non-medical folks!

#anaphylaxis #medmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

John Carlson · @JohnCarlson
630 followers · 291 posts · Server

: a patient develops hives, face swelling and hand swelling 40 minutes after being stung by a . Should they be prescribed autoinjectable ? My answer below.

#entomologyconsult #yellowjacket #epinephrine #venom #allergy #anaphylaxis

Last updated 2 years ago

👻ghost_shit💩 · @ghost_shit
181 followers · 907 posts · Server

@geordie I've always known them as "jumping jack" ants. I've never been stung by one, to my knowledge.

12ish years ago, when Kid #1 was maybe 3, she was stung by a jumping jack while she frolicked nudely in the garden. We consoled her with cuddles, icy poles, and Stingose. Once she had recovered, she frolicked again, only to be stung by a bee...

It was a traumatic day for all, but at least we ruled out on a couple of counts.


Last updated 2 years ago

kalany · @kalany
36 followers · 126 posts · Server

I have had butt pee for 8 days now after eating a bowl of curry. I think this is almost certainly my tomato allergy going nuclear on me. I did some searching, and apparently all my symptoms are … anaphylaxis? People act like it's just difficulty breathing, but that's apparently anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis has lots more forms. Including butt pee.

Which means I can never have normal pizza again.

#grump #whine #FoodAllergy #anaphylaxis

Last updated 2 years ago

Nik · @ascreaminpossum
98 followers · 308 posts · Server

@bgp_writes if I could have just one day without some sort of allergy issue I'd probably think I was dead. Lol

#mcas #Mastocytosis #anaphylaxis #severeallergies

Last updated 2 years ago

Katie Schwartz · @katieschwartz
0 followers · 2 posts · Server

I’ve been diagnosed with idiopathic anaphylaxis. That is incorrect I’ve been tested for countless obvious issues . iA isn’t manifesting the way it does in others. I’m now allergic to pretty much everything. Why? Any ideas are welcomed and appreciated

#autoimmunedisease #anaphylaxis #mcas #kitmutations

Last updated 2 years ago

rates associated with are comparable to those of other vaccine

📌 is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. 👉 VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem 📍 , but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.

#anaphylaxis #COVID19 #vaccines #vaers

Last updated 2 years ago

: Study Characterizes Symptoms, Treatment via

#infant #anaphylaxis

Last updated 2 years ago