Andere haben sich angepasst, wir haben Anarchist Academy gehört 😎 ✊
Anarchist Academy - Spiel nicht mit den Schmuddelkindern (Anarchist Version)
Anarchist Academy - Es ist das System (english subbed)
Gleich noch ein Klassiker hinterher. 🖤 ✊🏽
Since before 2015 i have had this dream of starting a type of anarchist academy in stockholm. A school. A learner hub. A permanent place where people can find anarchism for the first time, or engage in deeper level analysis. A place where radical and anti-authoritarian pedagogy is explored and nurtured.
Over the last 6 months these ideas have once again become increasingly intrusive and I believe that this might actually be something I want to spend time and energy doing.
The first and foremost problem is that of finding those who want to be part of the pedagogic crew, the ones who would be the "teachers" but not in the traditional sense, rather the ones who can help participants create courses, lectures and structure learning. The second question is all about how other peoples projects along similar lines have gone, and what the main taleaways from those projects could be.
So, I guess this is a first attempt at asking for help. Are u an anarchist teacher? How would you do this? What are the things you see as possible downfalls? Have you already done this, and in that case where do I find your stuff?
#education #anarchist #freeskool #anarchistacademy #guidedautodidacy #Stockholm #liberatoryeducation #revolutionary #revolutionarypedagogy #anarchisteducation #antiauthoritarianteachers #antiauthoritarian
#education #Anarchist #freeskool #anarchistacademy #guidedautodidacy #stockholm #liberatoryeducation #Revolutionary #revolutionarypedagogy #anarchisteducation #antiauthoritarianteachers #antiauthoritarian
Gestern Abend Punkrock-, Ska- und Hardcore-Abend zu Hause. Geil! Und so Bock auf Live-Konzert bekommen. Good old times n‘ memories! #sickofitall #suchasurge #phasefünf #elbossounddiepingpongs #luluunddieeinhornfarm #descendents #suicidaltendencies #lifeofagony #anarchistacademy
#anarchistacademy #lifeofagony #suicidaltendencies #descendents #luluunddieeinhornfarm #elbossounddiepingpongs #phasefünf #suchasurge #sickofitall