International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners -
Freedom for Thomas!
There is a real chance of finally seeing Thomas outside the walls.
There is movement in the case. After the Freiburg Regional Court decided to release Thomas on 12 July 2023, and the public prosecutor's office appealed, the case has been before the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court since 28 July.
For your information, here is a text written by Thomas in March 2023.
"I have been an anarchist for decades and I was arrested in October 1996 after a bank robbery, no one was killed or heavily injured.
But since that time the state has kept me in prison. On 8th July 2013 I was deported to the ‚Preventative Detention‘ (PD) Unit in the south west of Germany. The PD is something like the IPP in the UK, but PD became law in 1933 by the Nazis and allows the state to keep someone in prison after finishing their sentence, as long as the inmate is supposed to be a threat to public safety. I was judged as a threat to public safety because at the end of the 90’s and beginning of the 2000’s I was agitating strongly against judges and politicians. So I was convicted to more than 5 years punishment. For the bank robbery the court sentenced me to prison for 11 ½ years. The regular sentence ended on 7th July 2013.
Back to the present time: In 2022 a psychiatrist expert from Munich. In her 130 page report the expert came to the conclusion that I would be no threat. In November 2022 a psychologist from the prison and the public prosecutor sent their statements to the court and criticised the expert’s report really hard. But the psychiatrist replied on 17 pages and refuted their arguments.
But the local court in Freiburg, under the presidency of the honourable judge Kronthaler, dissented from the expert’s view. After a two hour hearing on the 15th February 2023 the court informed the parties and gave an order for another expert.
The expert from Munich has been testifying for courts for more than 40 years! But she’s more open minded than her conservative colleagues. For her it wasn’t relevant that I never distanced myself from my past nor my biography and political attitudes.
Friends offered me a place where I could live in town and a local radio station ( admitted me into the editorial office. They also offered practical training after my release. Until this takes place I get the possibility to be part of their program by phone, because here at the PD unit we have a phone in the cells. So every month I am on the air. A program called AUSBRUCH (escape/breakout) in which we talk about prisoner’s situations and developments.
The fact that there aren’t any troubles since more than two decades seems not enough for the court, the prison’s administration and the prosecutor. Especially the prison’s psychologist criticized that I had never withdrawn my attitudes. So she and her colleagues were afraid that I would maybe take revenge on judges or politicians. It leaves me in a catch-22.
Anyway, I think an upright attitude is more important than falling on your knees!
Thomas Mayer-Falk
c/o JVA (SV),
Hermann-Herder-Str. 8,
79104 Freiburg,
#anarchistprisoner #weekofsolidarity #freedomforthomas #freiburg
#germany #abc #anarchistblackcross
#AnarchistPrisoner #weekofsolidarity #freedomforthomas #freiburg #germany #abc #anarchistblackcross
I am so glad for the Nashville #anarchistblackcross they bailed me out of jail
International Day of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners
#ItCouldHappenHere #CoolZoneMedia #anarchistblackcross
support the dresden anarchist black cross! :blackcross:
#BandcampFriday #AnarchistBlackCross #DresdenABC #Folk #HipHop #Punk #Ska
#ska #Punk #hiphop #folk #dresdenabc #anarchistblackcross #BandcampFriday
85. Todestag von Olga Taratuta - Ольга Іллівна Таратута
Olga Iljitschnina #Taratuta (Ukr: Ольга Іллівна #Таратута; 21. Januar 1876 [oder möglicherweise 1874 oder 1878] - 8. Februar 1938) war eine ukrainische Anarchokommunistin. Sie war die Gründerin des Ukrainischen Anarchistischen Schwarzen Kreuzes.
„Die Genossen von #Charkow, mit der heroischen Persönlichkeit von Olga Taratuta an der Spitze, haben alle der Revolution gedient, an allen Fronten gekämpft, die Strafen der Weißen, die Verfolgung und Inhaftierung der #Bolschewiki ertragen. Nichts behinderte ihren revolutionären Eifer und ihren anarchistischen Glauben“. (Gelebtes Leben, Emma Goldman)
(...) #Anarchismus #Ukraine #Sowjetunion #ABC #AnarchistBlackCross #OtD
#taratuta #таратута #charkow #Bolschewiki #anarchismus #Ukraine #Sowjetunion #abc #anarchistblackcross #otd
#PhoneZap for Jason Renard Walker who faces immediate danger if he is transferred to a unit where he has faced credible threats of assassination, harassment, and being fed food he is allergic to.
#Abolition #ABC #AnarchistBlackCross #BlueRidgeABC #BRABC
#phonezap #Abolition #abc #anarchistblackcross #blueridgeabc #brabc
Free Alex Stokes Fundrazr Passes 10% of Goal
Alex Stokes was sentenced in New York to 20 years in prison for using a knife to defend himself and others from far-right insurrectionists at the state capitol.
#FreeAlexStokes #AnarchistBlackCross #ABC
#FreeAlexStokes #anarchistblackcross #abc
The attorney that I had for my last case is taking donations, both tangible and monetary. If you want to help a left leaning attorney in the middle of conservative Wisconsin consider donating to this law firm.
#anarchistblackcross #donations #defensecouncils
Une interview très intéressante de l'anarchist black cross Belarus.
#abc #anarchistblackcross #belarus #anarchie #anarchist #lutte #répression #espoir #hope
Répression et perspectives au Bélarus : interview avec l’Anarchist Black (...) - Le Numéro Zéro
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"At the 26th of Seprember we, the Antifond project, were calling Russians not to go to work, as a form of protest and an instrument of sabotage against mobilization." #russia #AnarchistBlackCross #AntiWar
#antiwar #anarchistblackcross #russia
Hundreds of people across the so-called US and Canada took part in "Running Down the Walls" events on both sides of the prison walls, raising thousands for political prisoners. Check out this report from the #AnarchistBlackCross.
Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #10 - Read more: #Bloomington #prisoners #antireport #AnarchistBlackCross #ABC
#abc #anarchistblackcross #antireport #prisoners #bloomington
June 11: Solidarity With All Anarchist Prisoners
Yesterday in London around 30 anarchists took to the streets of North London to march in solidarity with all anarchist prisoners.
#AnarchistBlackCross #GeorgeF. #prisonabolition #Protest
#anarchistblackcross #GeorgeF #prisonabolition #protest
8 accused of burning a police van in Barcelona
On the 27th of February, 8 of our comrades were arrested during a demonstration in the centre of Barcelona.
#AnarchistBlackCross #Barcelona #PrisonerSupport
#anarchistblackcross #barcelona #prisonersupport
Die ersten Aktionen gehen nun zu Ende. Falls es nach Aktionen zu rechtlichen Folgen kommt, gibt es verschiedene Wege damit umzugehen. Niemensch muss mit Repressionen allein sein!
Infos gibt es zB bei euren lokalen #RoteHilfe oder #AnarchistBlackCross Gruppen.
#AufstandMitAbstand #anarchistblackcross #rotehilfe
Karte der ABC-Gruppen in der Welt - #anarchismus #anarchistblackcross #solidarität
#solidarität #anarchistblackcross #Anarchismus
Wir haben für dieses Jahr einige Aufkleber gedruckt. Du kannst sie in König-Kurt finden. Wenn du aus anderen Städten kommst - schreib uns eine E-Mail oder hier und wir schicken dir ein kleines Paket. #acab #ABC #anarchistblackcross #Dresden
#dresden #anarchistblackcross #abc #ACAB
Morgen um 18:00 in #Dresden @ AZ Conni Solidinner Herbst Ausgabe. Wir wollen den und den Anarchist aus der Krim vgeny Karakashev unterstützen. #solidarity #anarchistblackcross
#anarchistblackcross #Solidarity #dresden