:ancom: :crt_w_prompt: :crt_w_green_lines: :gnu: :anarchiststar: https://hubs.mozilla.com/docs/hubs-query-string-parameters.html if anyone wants to have performance on our hubs room https://hubs.mozilla.com/zWXK8U6/hispagatos #anarchisthackers #hackers #hackers_anarquistas #hackerculture #hacktivismo
#anarchisthackers #hackers #hackers_anarquistas #hackerculture #hacktivismo
Book: "Permanent Record" Edward snowden chapter 24 encrypt "Anarchist hackers and crypto hackers" influenced me politcally.... #anarchisthackers #hacker #hackers :ancom: :hacker: :crt_w_prompt: is a fun book to read and see how he lives a live confronted from his morals and his country, and how as progresses he becomes more awoken and in the need to do something about the injustuces.
#anarchisthackers #hacker #hackers
los seguridores de hackerñol apuntaros y seguirnos con este enlace: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@Hackernol:7 estamos moviendo el hackerñol al lbry.tv para tenerlo en peertube y en libry.tv nuestra prioridad es peertube ya que concuerda con la etica hacker de ser libre y descentralizado, pero lbry.tv es un segundo mejor, no es perfecto pero nos deja poder financiar proyectos sin tener que ir a un servicio evil como youtube. lbry.tv es software abierto y semi-descentralizado #anarchisthackers #hack
Otra sedición de Hackerñol-00010110 El sonido, el video y la madre que nos pario! https://open.tube/videos/watch/6ff544cf-2fe2-4ecb-b1ca-187f0a8be536 #Hackerñol #anarchisthackers #hacking #hackers #hackingculture #hackingethics #hispagatos #hackthesystem #anticapitalism #antisistema :ancom: :hacker: :crt_w_green_lines: :crt_w_prompt: :anarchismred: :gnu:
#hackerñol #anarchisthackers #hacking #hackers #hackingculture #hackingethics #hispagatos #hackthesystem #anticapitalism #antisistema
@MegXgeM ha traducido el Guerrilla Open Access Manifesto de Aaron Swartz al castellano https://hispagatos.org/post/guerilla-open-access-manifesto/ #hispagatos #hackthesystem #anarchisthackers :ancom: :hacker: :crt_w_prompt: :crt_w_green_lines:
#hispagatos #hackthesystem #anarchisthackers
I managed to recuperate from a comrade at #34c3 the banner #anarchisthackers we made from #i2p for #occupySF in 2010 https://hispagatos.space/media/MBBBDx_rYxj-dsQfsvw
#34c3 #anarchisthackers #i2p #occupysf