Cool to wake up and see this in my podcast feed: Essay 59: DaN Mckee, ‘Anarchist: Subverting the System from Within’ Hear an adapted excerpt from my new book, Anarchist Atheist Punk Rock Teacher, in the latest #AnarchistEssays from Loughborough University’s Anarchism Research Group! There’s also a song in there too 😀
#AnarchistAtheistPunkRockTeacher #AnarchismResearchGroup #Anarchism #AnarchistPedagogy #anarchisteducation #AnarchistTeacher #Teaching #Education #Behaviour #SchoolDiscipline #podcast #Punk
#anarchistessays #anarchistatheistpunkrockteacher #anarchismresearchgroup #anarchism #anarchistpedagogy #anarchisteducation #anarchistteacher #teaching #education #behaviour #schooldiscipline #Podcast #punk
the next place my mind goes is to expanding the ability to share materials beyond the grounds of campus, which is what pushes this experiment closer towards being #AnarchistPedagogy
i haven't thought as much about this yet, since i'm still at the early stages of the experiment. but in theory, locally-accessible media servers could radiate out from my campus office or exist as satellites at key points throughout the city. maybe pop-up infoshops?
after yesterday's successful #TrashMagic experiment in setting up a locally accessible server full of media for students, i am already thinking about expansive possibilities for #AnarchistPedagogy that runs parallel to the university but siphons off its excessive resources for the greater good.
my plan right now is for the server to host 2 sets of materials: 1) freely available radical reading material; 2) course material for my classes.
use 2 is important to me because i have been trying to move away from proprietary course management systems, after losing years of course development work upon leaving a job. i will always offer free course materials to all my students, but doing it on my own locally-accessed server seems like a better solution than relying on a cms that could lock me and them out at any time.
with those two uses established and ready to test, the next goal i can pursue is finding open source software to replace other proprietary stuff that i use in the classroom.
e.g., i use google docs for collaborative writing in class, which can easily be replaced by etherpad. i could set up a local instance on my server, but then i have to consider if students will want to access it off campus. i would prefer that they can, so for now it is probably better to use an existing instance (like disroot's). i could certainly look into webhosting for an instance in the future.
#trashmagic #anarchistpedagogy