David S. D’Amato · @dsdamato
109 followers · 325 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
732 followers · 2843 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

Now that's a truly SOCIALIST & LEFT political program for the 21st century. Unfortunately, most of the pseudo left commentariat and political forces are only interested in discussing the sex of angels while the world burns and capitalism provokes greater depression worldwide.

: "Kropotkin’s argument stands today. It would not take much, as a share of total global productive capacity, to ensure decent lives for everyone on the planet. But with the reality of the ecological crisis, we must also face a second challenge, one that Kropotkin could not appreciate in the nineteenth century: to achieve well-being for all while at the same time reducing aggregate use of energy and materials (specifically in the core) to enable sufficiently rapid decarbonization and to bring the world economy back within planetary boundaries. Technological innovation and efficiency improvements are crucial to this, but high-income countries also need to scale down less-necessary forms of production in order to reduce excess energy and material use directly.

If capitalism has always been unable to achieve the former goal (well-being for all), it most certainly cannot achieve the latter. It is a structural impossibility, as it runs against the core logic of the capitalist economy, which is to increase aggregate production indefinitely, to maintain the conditions for perpetual accumulation.

It is clear what needs to be done: we must achieve democratic control over finance and production, as Kropotkin argued, and now organize it around the double goal of well-being and ecology. This requires that we distinguish, as Kropotkin did, between the socially necessary production that clearly needs to increase for social progress, and the destructive and less-necessary forms of production that urgently need to be scaled down. This is the revolutionary world-historical objective that faces our generation."


#ecosocialism #anarchocommunism #publicgoods #capitalism #environmentalism

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1881 followers · 4004 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History August 28, 1921: The Soviet Red Army dissolved the stateless Anarchist Free Territory, after driving the Black Army out of Ukraine. The anarchist rebel leader, Nester Makhno, barely escaped, and with serious injuries.

The Free Territory within Ukraine, also known as Makhnovia (after Nestor Makhno), lasted from 1918 to 1921. It was a stateless, anarchist society that was defended by Makhno’s Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army (AKA the Black Army). Roughly 7 million people lived in the area. The peasants who lived there refused to pay rent to the landowners and seized the estates and livestock of the church, state and private landowners, setting up local committees to manage them and share them among the various villages and communes of the Free State.

Michael Moorcock’s “A Nomad of the Time Streams” is a steampunk/alternative history novel where Makhno survives into the 1940s.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #ukraine #anarchism #ancom #anarchocommunism #NestorMakhno #soviet #books #steampunk #fiction #author #writer

Last updated 1 year ago

☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1296 followers · 27010 posts · Server todon.nl
☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1296 followers · 27008 posts · Server todon.nl
Trekhausen (she/her) · @trekhausen
1 followers · 1 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Hello! toot: since having my world has become increasingly small, with me now pretty much housebound. Add my and suffice to say, it isn't a good mix. I have joined Mastodon with the aim of growing my world by virtually meeting and tooting with other people interested in things like:

#introductions #LongCovid #ocd #anarchism #anarchocommunism #veganism #startrek #scifi #sociology #comics #prowrestling #anticapitalism #intersectionality #FOSS #Linux #IWW

Last updated 1 year ago

Te Koha · @Tekoha
23 followers · 58 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The similarities between anarchism, mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga

#Maori #Anarchist #anarchists #TinoRangatiratanga #ManaMotuhake #anarchocommunism

Last updated 1 year ago

Ⓐ Shimon 🏴 · @shimon
54 followers · 223 posts · Server kolektiva.social

No more of such vague formulas as “The Right to work” or “To each the whole result of his labor.” What we proclaim is THE RIGHT TO WELL-BEING: WELL-BEING FOR ALL! [...]
The Revolution will be [anarcho-]communist; if not, it will be drowned in blood, and have to be begun over again.


#anarchocommunism #anarchism #communism #bread

Last updated 1 year ago

sunshower🌦️🖤 · @solaremo
5 followers · 67 posts · Server toots.matapacos.dog

"We hold further that is not only desirable, but that existing societies, founded on , are inevitably impelled in the direction of Communism... for without a certain leaven of Communism the present societies could not exist... We find a tendency, eminently Communistic, springing up on all sides, and in various guises, in the very heart of theoretically Individualist societies."

#communism #individualism #conquestofbread #peterkropotkin #anarchism #anarchistcommunism #anarchocommunism

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
477 followers · 19210 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Toot Uncommon · @TootUncommon
176 followers · 396 posts · Server mstdn.party

Old school anarchy zines.

There's good stuff in here. Pass it around.


#anarchy #anarchocommunism #diy

Last updated 2 years ago

🪻🏁 · @flowerpunk
68 followers · 2302 posts · Server mastodon.ahorn.info
Bending Unit · @BendingUnit
56 followers · 286 posts · Server undernopretext.social

Sneak peek into the next chapter of :

"Nature is variety itself, offering all possible varieties of characters, from the basest to the highest: and that is why she cannot be depicted by any sweeping assertion."

Take that, people making ridiculous and absurd "gReEd Is HuMaN nAtUrE" claims.

#mutualaidafactorofevolution #kropotkin #bookstadon #anarchocommunism

Last updated 2 years ago

Our essay "The Conquest of Sandwiches" is now on our Subtack page

"Communist decision making would start with finding out the general needs and economic desires of people and then move into how such needs and desires can be met through self-managed arrangements (Crump 2014). Materials, means of production, technology, and overall societal labor/work needed to meet aggregate needs under specific conditions can be calculated to inform decision making and implementation. Deliberation and relevant economic information would inform horizontalist assemblies to change and tweak plans as needed and as relevant changes happen. Such economic calculation can be assisted by computers and cybernation, but even when that happens all policy making power would be in hands of people directly. Dialogue augmented by cybernated systems can give people relevant information for economic decision making. Surveys, numbers from last year’s production, resources available within ecological regeneration rates, new technology, what people want to do, new needs, new desires, new luxuries, and new ecological factors (and more) can assist the iterative planning done by communal and intercommunal assemblies. It is important to note that even though such overall societal economic calculation can help assist with self-management of communal economics, communism “consists in consuming and producing without calculating the exact share of each individual” (Kropotkin 1901). Under contexts of scarcity or disaster–such as the revolutionary development of communism out of terrible conditions– there would be priority production and distribution schemas where needs take priority over relative luxuries. As such communist institutions and content develop, mutually equitable access to luxuries would be integrated as needs of all or otherwise things people have access to. Such a communist economy would ideally develop into a full post scarcity economy (which would still retain the necessary features of communism, but also be a “higher phase” thereof). Despite lack of actuation, there has been a technical potential for a global post-scarcity economy for decades (Bookchin 2004).

Once overall needs are aggregated, communal assemblies, federations thereof, and embedded councils would devise plans to meet such needs and desires. There would be back and forth dialogue within and between assemblies of communal and intercomunal associations until common plans and policies are arrived at (which would continually get updated by participatory planning processes). Ideally, general and relevant propositional and practical knowledge would be sufficiently generalized among communards. Embedded councils, working groups, or relevant experts within or outside of specific communities can be thoroughly consulted to help round out overall knowledge communards have so they can make more informed decisions. After deliberation, political economic policy making power would be retained within horizontalist and participatory communal assemblies with an aim towards full agreement with a fall back to majority votes within free association of persons– in harmony with the minimal norms, rights, and duties of libertarian socialist practices (Bookchin 2007). Implementation of policies would be self-managed by those who agree to implement such policies (Kropotkin 1892). Embedded councils and rotating delegates of communal assemblies would be mandated by and instantly recallable to the assemblies that they are a part of."


#anarchism #anarchy #Communalism #communism #socialism #postscarcity #utopia #kropotkin #anarchocommunism #libertariansocialism #LibertarianCommunism #commons

Last updated 2 years ago

Florian Schlund · @florianschlund
655 followers · 2234 posts · Server mastodon.social

In Erinnerung an Pjotr Kropotkin

Heute vor 101 Jahren, am 8. Februar 1921, verstarb Pjotr Kropotkin, Biologe, Geograf, Revolutionär und Vordenker des anarchistischen Kommunismus, in der russischen Stadt Dimitrow.


#kropotkin #peterkropotkin #pjotrkropotkin #anarchist #100jahre #anarchokommunismus #anarchocommunism #anarchismus #todestag #dieplattform

Last updated 2 years ago

foxtheft · @foxtheft
124 followers · 4359 posts · Server kolektiva.social
foxtheft · @foxtheft
112 followers · 3990 posts · Server kolektiva.social