Kevin Bowen :xfce: · @kevinbowen
124 followers · 841 posts · Server

Generally, I consider myself a kinda sorta so...there you go on my appropriately vague political stance...

#queer #anarchosyndicalist #buddhist

Last updated 1 year ago

for a new instance!

My name's Korin, pronouns they/them.

I'm a rep/organiser in and also a proud member of the .

Politically I'm an at heart, i.e. I believe unions will give people a respite from capitalism enough that they can start questioning hierarchies and eventually end them. Though pragmatically for as long as we have political parties then I am very happy in the .

Any other , say hello!

#introduction #union #unitetheunion #iww #anarchosyndicalist #ScottishGreens #queer #anarchists

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server

Emma Goldman versus The Statis: Commie Comics Front Cover - Emma , :antifa_100:

#comic #goldman #anarchosyndicalist #antistatist #meme

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
482 followers · 20007 posts · Server

Anarcho-Helghast (Helghastian Waving Flag)


Last updated 2 years ago

d'aïeux et d'ailleurs · @daieuxetdailleurs
406 followers · 416 posts · Server

en 1893 à
"Ce matin, 16 janvier courant, à 8 heures, une centaine d’ouvrières de la corderie Loyant-Péan, sise à Nantes, chemin de la Miséricorde, ont quitté l’atelier déclarant qu’elles se mettaient en grève.”
Première de la quarantaine de grève qui auront lieu à Nantes dans l'année...

La suite sur @FactGrid

#womenhistory #socialhistory #19esiecle #UnjourUneArchive #history #anarchosyndicalist #grevegenerale #riot #strike #nantes #cejourla #onthisday

Last updated 2 years ago

AlexanderVI · @AlexanderVI
25 followers · 204 posts · Server

No event in modern history has created more momentum than 's 1.1.

#anarchosyndicalist #wotc #ogl

Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
112 followers · 384 posts · Server

Perhaps a Re- is in order since there's so many more people in this space to share stories and insights with.

I'm an . I manipulate symbols and materials to effect and thus transform myself.
My practice was revealed to me in a series of trances by an ancient who has many historical forms. Some of these are the goddesses known as the Eyes of Ra. She recently revealed to me that she would like me to refer to her as . I'm not second guessing that advice.

I'm a cis het old guy (58) happy married for 25 years. I adore women. Mostly from afar.

Race- white, blue eyed ethnic jew.

My technique is centered on an apparatus I built based on a design the goddess revealed. I later connected the components and operation symbolically to equipment and processes described in classic sources.
I'm a non-traditional Alchemist. I don't use a forge or do metallurgy. My device is electrical and uses a type of to focus energy. It can roughly be described as a type of lamp. The picture shows the output of my process. It's called a .

It is commonly asserted, and I agree, that the coveted philosopher's stone refers to the practitioners themselves. As the goal of the process it is in reality the transformed person.
This is done by separating the spirit and soul from the , changing them and then re-uniting them in the body again. Carl has some interesting ideas on this.

Politically- and card carrying . I’ve been working at the same factory for 28 years.

Other areas of interest besides the are listed below.

I write songs, play electric and . Not famous at all.
A few faves-



(I know- cringe)

Food: , I'll take what I can get. Non-celiac.

Drink- wine spritzers mostly.
A pinch of goes a looooonnnng way. After 45 years of smoking I'm a total lightweight now that it's legal here. That's (officially a suburb 10 miles outside city limits), btw.

Everyone I’ve met here is awesome!
Peace and Solidarity!

#introduction #alchemist #transformations #goddess #Kemetic #Hathor #alchemy #crystal #violograph #body #jung #anarchosyndicalist #Wobbly #occult #bass #ukulele #motorhead #hankwilliams #carolinachocolatedrops #budgie #judaspriest #johnnywinter #buddyguy #hottuna #williamelliotwhitmore #jackbruce #gustavklimt #jackkirby #frankfrazetta #ernstfuchs #gilbertshelton #plotinus #herbertspencer #maxstirner #hegel #heraclitus #iamblichus #glutenfree #pinotgrigio #Weed #chicago #findfriends

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
119 followers · 3004 posts · Server

"The black cat, also called the "wild cat" or "sabot-cat", usually with an arched back and with claws and teeth bared, is closely associated with anarchism, especially with anarcho-syndicalism. It was designed by Ralph Chaplin, who was a prominent figure in the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). As its stance suggests, the cat is meant to suggest wildcat strikes and radical unionism. The IWW was an important industrial union and was the first American labor union to recruit and organize women and people of color, playing a critical role in the fight for the eight-hour day and in free speech fights all over the country in the early 20th century. Their most famous and influential years were from 1905 until they were largely suppressed by the Palmer Raids in 1919–1920. The origin of the black cat symbol is unclear, but according to one story it came from an IWW strike that was going badly. Several members had been beaten up and were put in a hospital. At that time a skinny, black cat walked into the striker's camp. The cat was fed by the striking workers and as the cat regained its health the strike took a turn for the better. Eventually the striking workers got some of their demands and they adopted the cat as their mascot"

#blackcat #wildcat #anarchosyndicalism #anarchosyndicalist #antiauthority #antigovernment #antiauthoritarian #IWW #generalstrike

Last updated 2 years ago

L J · @foxglove
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

Not that active on social media normally however I know it’s a good way to interact with like minded people or to make some good friends. Anyways hope this reaches the right kind of people!

#lgbt #transgender #socialist #anarchosyndicalist

Last updated 2 years ago

Bob Stepno · @BobStep
65 followers · 185 posts · Server

@Caliphora Greetings from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia... Listening this morning to @Rushkoff in a podcast, joking about how he calls himself a in a passage in his latest book because it would take too long to explain ... So I searched for that hashtag, and you are the only one representing in the Fediverse tonight. Or I don't have the hang of searching yet... ;-)

#teamhuman #marxist #anarchosyndicalist #anarchosyndicalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the fediverse so please bear with me. My name is Elise and I'm a 40 years young transgender woman from rural Canada.

The environment I grew in was pretty oppressive for anyone queer and racism has always been rampant here. I was raised evangelical mennonite, but was into reading about science, history and philosophy. Needless to say I questioned everything from an early age and eventually abandoned the church in spite of having a natural aptitude for ministry.

I spent my childhood bottling up a lot of feelings as I wasn't in a safe place to come out. The church was overtly homophobic and schooling rampant with bullying. It took me awhile to get to a place where I could find adequate healthcare and resources to transition. In spite of Canada being one of the safest countries in the world for trans folks there's not enough resources for transgender people and back in the 00's it was almost impossible to access proper care.

In the interim I did my best to pursue an education all while battling severe depression, gender dysphoria, CPTSD, ADHD and multiple eating disorders. I hold bachelor's degrees in Arts and Social Work. Though I have had many barriers to employment early in my transition I still value my education and apply it to my current work as a bookseller. My political beliefs are rooted in anti oppressive work, prison abolition, trade unionism and I identify as anarcho syndicalist. My idols include Angela Davis, Noam Chomsky, Leonard Pelletier and Amy Goodman. They helped shape my political views along with my old web haunts,, and alternet.

I'm in a better place now and managed to find healing and recovery through art. Spoken Word Poetry, dance, Burlesque and theater being my main outlets that helped lift me up from hitting rock bottom early in my transition. It is my hope is that future generations of transgender people need not suffer what I went through as a child and I fight like hell for the rights of my kin.

Hope to meet some more like minded folks here who are into politics, activism and weirdo performance art. Feel free to HMU if you're interested in chatting.

#introductionpost #Anarchist #anarchosyndicalist #Wobbly #transgender #transgenderartist #girlslikeus #transisbeautiful #performanceartist #spokenwordpoet #CatFancier #bookseller #bookworm #nerd #roleplaying #transrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Liberation of the working peoples is not enough to truly liberate a society. We must revolutionize all aspects of society to succeed. As with removing hierarchies in the workplace, we must also eliminate them in the home, the political offices, and the cultural institutions. A hegemonic rule of anarchist and syndicalist ideals is necessary to maintain the revolution. Autonomy, equality, and solidarity is our collective mandate.

#syndicalism #socialism #anarchism #anarchosyndicalist

Last updated 6 years ago