Well done, Ed Kilgore…
Explaining what spin Repub’s are embracing…
#AnarchoTyranny …the point of view…
“…that even as #conservatives demand absolute suppression of street crime — sacrificing all of those “liberal” ideas of #justice & mercy — the virtuous conservative middle class has no obligation to #respect the authority of the #liberal elites who supposedly run the country.”
#tyranny #politics #liberal #respect #justice #conservatives #anarchotyranny
News from Dimension B:
Gov. Newsom announced that "San Francisco’s violent crime rate is below comparably sized cities"
Why do we see endless videos of stores being ransacked?
Is the crime reporting system broken, or are we being persuaded to accept compromises "for safety"?
Things are #unraveling at increasing speed #AnarchoTyranny #BigGovernment #SocietalCollapse
#societalcollapse #biggovernment #anarchotyranny #unraveling
We live under #AnarchoTyranny: We #Whites have no government only masters and occupational forces. We are not free. We need to liberate ourselves by taking back power! https://www.bitchute.com/video/2fnZN0XUU20Z/
Decline of #Democracy into Camp of the Saints | What is important? #Faith; #Nation; #Community; #Family. https://www.bitchute.com/video/2fnZN0XUU20Z/ First: We Whites Matter! Races matters! Colorblindness is an #AntiWhite Death Cult as deadly as CRT Diversity: Same Masters.
We live under #AnarchoTyranny: We #Whites have no government only masters and occupational forces. We are not free. We need to liberate ourselves by taking back power!
#whites #anarchotyranny #antiwhite #family #community #nation #faith #democracy
Decline of #Democracy into Camp of the Saints | What is important? #Faith; #Nation; #Community; #Family. https://www.bitchute.com/video/2fnZN0XUU20Z/ First: We Whites Matter! Races matters! Colorblindness is an #AntiWhite Death Cult as deadly as CRT Diversity: Same Masters.
We live under #AnarchoTyranny: We #Whites have no government only masters and occupational forces. We are not free. We need to liberate ourselves by taking back power!
#whites #anarchotyranny #antiwhite #family #community #nation #faith #democracy