Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
2121 followers · 3421 posts · Server

IM SCHÜTZENGRABEN mit „Solidarity Collectives“
Über Militarisierung, Ukrainesolidarität und Lügengebäude Chronologie eines Übergriffes in St. Imier und die Rezeption schreibender Bellizist*innen in der WOZ & taz
"Wir spoilern: Wer das Aufhängen des oben beschriebenen Plakats auf einem anarchistischen Treffen als Angriff umdeutet, sich der anschließenden Diskussion um den Unterschied zwischen Krieg und sozialer Revolution verweigert, und Antimilitarist*innen körperlich angeht, hat auf keinem anarchistischen Treffen etwas zu suchen. Der*die positioniert sich als Feind*in eines Anarchismus, der historisch Kadavergehorsam, Obrigkeit, Befehl und Gehorsam, Militär, Vergewaltigung und Nationalismus, Mord aus niederen Beweggründen und Militarisierung ablehnt. Der versucht, den antiautoritären Charakter einer anarchistischen Praxis in die Schützengräben zu treiben.
Wer es nicht aushält, wenn Menschen das Sammeln von Geldern für Ausrüstung und Waffen für militarisierte Männer, sprich Soldaten unter anderem in den Schützengräben, ablehnen, der hat gebrochen mit dem Anarchismus."

#antimilitarismus #antireport #anarchismus #anarchy2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
2121 followers · 3423 posts · Server

IM SCHÜTZENGRABEN mit „Solidarity Collectives“
"Wir spoilern: Wer das Aufhängen des oben beschriebenen Plakats auf einem anarchistischen Treffen als Angriff umdeutet, sich der anschließenden Diskussion um den Unterschied zwischen Krieg und sozialer Revolution verweigert, und Antimilitarist*innen körperlich angeht, hat auf keinem anarchistischen Treffen etwas zu suchen. Der*die positioniert sich als Feind*in eines Anarchismus, der historisch Kadavergehorsam, Obrigkeit, Befehl und Gehorsam, Militär, Vergewaltigung und Nationalismus, Mord aus niederen Beweggründen und Militarisierung ablehnt. Der versucht, den antiautoritären Charakter einer anarchistischen Praxis in die Schützengräben zu treiben.
Wer es nicht aushält, wenn Menschen das Sammeln von Geldern für Ausrüstung und Waffen für militarisierte Männer, sprich Soldaten unter anderem in den Schützengräben, ablehnen, der hat gebrochen mit dem Anarchismus."

#antimilitarismus #antireport #anarchismus #anarchy2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
285 followers · 719 posts · Server

Oh cool. Now an article about the hook-up culture at . Just what we needed.
</sarcasm off>


Last updated 1 year ago

Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
281 followers · 709 posts · Server

Reading this text 👆 (that reads like a report from a boy scout camp, but nevermind that for now), was a very challenging read for me as a neurodivergent, disabled and chronically ill person, who could not even attend because of the lack in COVID-19 precautions.

1. (as i wrote above) No mention of the ableist organizational structure and the huge lack in many regards of accessibility (even the fucking wheelchair ramps were too narrow for actual wheelchairs!)

2. In the text there are several examples of just how horrible things were organized from an accessibility and inclusion point of view. This was an event strictly for the able bodied.

Some examples, and there are more: A 20 minutes walk to the venue. Standing room only in most of the rooms. Crowded double-booked rooms. Huge crowds of people in front of the house that needed to be crossed to get inside the building. Music all night long heard all the way to the camp site.

And masks, air filters, hepa filters were not even mentioned. The only mention of masks in the text with an ableist frame as addressed above ("for those who still want to wear masks").

All these things are huge red flags for neurodivergent, disabled and/or chronically ill folks. But apparently only the people who get excluded notice these things. (Hint: Talk to us!)

And 3. To top it all off. The organizers mostly get congratulated for this ableist mess....

One positive thing though. I am sooo so so glad i didn't end up attending, we decided last minute not to go. Okay two things. I am now even more convinced than before that the "anarchist" movement is dead. The future lies in issue-based activism that is more or less based on anarchist principles ->


#anarchy2023 #anarchy #ableism #antiableist #Anarchist

Last updated 1 year ago

Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
280 followers · 695 posts · Server

@CrimethInc Such a long text and not a word about poor accessibility and the ableist, and ultimately even eugenicist way the gathering was organized, which prevented many immuno-compromised and chronically ill people from even attending. (the extra food line for mask wearers was a cynical joke. And the way you wrote about it is pure ableism. You wrote: "a special section for people who still want to use masks and maintain social distancing". "Want" is the absolute wrong word here, some of us "must" still wear masks, and if you need to keep "want" in there, we "must" wear them because not enough of you ableist assholes still "want" to wear them in oder to protect and include us).

And in your text there is not a mention of the anarcho-capitalist, conspiracist, right-wing libertarian bullshit that was present at the gathering. (At least one of the main organizers is a right wing libertarian, who was active in the anti-masker protests here).

But read bellow.

I was right to call the anarchist movement dead as a movement. And it has died in Saint-Imier in 2023.

#anarchy2023 #ableism #anarchy

Last updated 1 year ago

Amici Nybråten · @amici
437 followers · 2401 posts · Server

More photos from

This is from the building we all slept in on the last days after the main events were over and we could no longer sleep in the gym.

#anarchy2023 #anarchism #stimier

Last updated 1 year ago

Amici Nybråten · @amici
437 followers · 2399 posts · Server

Photos from

Live translation offered from the europeans to the right, while the people on the left held presentation about their indigenous resistance against megaprojects in southern Mexico.

#anarchy2023 #anarchism #stimier

Last updated 1 year ago

Amici Nybråten · @amici
437 followers · 2399 posts · Server

Photos from

Live translation offered from the europeans to the right, while the people on the left held presentation about their indigenous resistance against megaprojects in southern Mexico


Last updated 1 year ago

Antidote Zine · @antidotezine
327 followers · 66 posts · Server

Reporters from the leftwing weekly @woz (Switzerland) visited the international anarchist conference last month in St. Imier. Here's their article in English translation.

#anarchy2023 #oneworldonestruggle

Last updated 1 year ago

WOSWAP · @woswap
37 followers · 6 posts · Server

Writing letters to prisoners is important to break isolation, support them and show solidarity.

If you have never written such a letter yet, you could take the as a chance to start doing it!

Here you can find tips about wirting letters to prisoners:

#woswap2023 #anarchy2023 #woswap

Last updated 1 year ago

Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
249 followers · 615 posts · Server

Here @anarchy2023, it would not actually be that hard to organize an inclusive and COVID-safe event:

"COVID Safety
While the dominant culture has “moved on” from pandemic precautions, abandoning disabled and high-risk communities, we want this event to reflect our deep commitment to inclusion and collective care. If you are are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, or if you are unwilling to mask, please do not attend. We are asking that all participants wear masks while gathered indoors; however, we do not have full control over some locations used by the book fair and unmasked members of the public may be present.
Respirators and rapid tests will be available for free at registration and throughout the weekend."


#anarchy2023 #ableism #anarchy #Anarchist #AntiAbleism

Last updated 1 year ago

Übertage · @uebertage
266 followers · 151 posts · Server

Unser zweites ausführlicheres Interview welches wir in St. Imier geführt haben mit der Genossin Bonny von der Anarchist Communist Group.

Zum Interview:

Die Webseite der Genoss:innen:

#anarchy2023 #Anarchismus #anarchie #anarchy #ACG #sozialismus #kommunismus #Großbritannien

Last updated 1 year ago

WOZ - die Wochenzeitung · @woz
2911 followers · 689 posts · Server

Liebe, Freiheit, ? @jikh und @kasparsurber waren an der @anarchy2023 in Saint-Imier. Dort zeigte sich die globale Kraft der Bewegung, immerhin in mancherlei Hinsicht.

#saintimier #anarchy2023 #anarchismus #anarchie

Last updated 1 year ago

Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
244 followers · 594 posts · Server

Can we get more information on the strike of the care team at aka . I saw this mentioned in the text bellow. But need more details.

Imagine you went to the gathering as an immuno-compromised person, counting on the care team to help you to visit certain workshops (as they famously promised, which was a weird idea to begin with, but that's a whole nother discusssion), but then suddenly on day three they go on strike.

German text:

#anarchy2023 #ria

Last updated 1 year ago

Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
241 followers · 581 posts · Server

And now comes the time of the reviews of aka and of course no one even mentions the profoundly ableist structure that the gathering had.

And yet again we, the people who could not even attend the gathering BECAUSE of its ableist structure, are written out of history.

By @gute :

The problem that people with dreadlocks were asked to cut them off is of course much more important than the fact that many people could not attend because no one was wearing masks.

By @woz:

What to say, except whatever.

And how to keep living in a world, where not even the fucking self-proclaimed anarchists care about the immuno-compromised, chronicallly ill and diasbled?


#anarchy2023 #ria #ableism #anarchy #Anarchist

Last updated 1 year ago

Anarchie&Cello · @gute
82 followers · 55 posts · Server

Für ein paar Tage im Juli 2023 befand ich mich in einer kleinen anarchistischen Stadt. St. Imier im Schweizer Jura wurde von bis zu 4000 Anarchist:innen besucht, die das 150jährige Jubiläum der Gründung der anti-autoritären Internationale 1872 feierten. Es war sehr schön. Doch es gab auch Konflikte.

Lest den ganzen Newsletter Ungezwungen #4 hier:

Und meldet euch an, falls ihr mehr lesen wollt:

#anarchy2023 #anarchie #anarchy #Anarchismus #stimier #schweiz

Last updated 1 year ago

Übertage · @uebertage
264 followers · 149 posts · Server
Übertage · @uebertage
264 followers · 148 posts · Server

Unser erstes Interview vom internationalen anarchistischen Treffen in St. Imier. Wir haben den Genossen Martin Veith zur anarchistischen Bewegung und der politischen Situation in Rumänien befragt.

Jetzt auf YouTube:


und Co.

Veröffentlichungen von Martin könnt ihr hier finden:

#Anarchismus #anarchie #anarchy2023 #stimier #martinveith #syndikalismus #links #kommunismus #rumanien #ubertage #interview

Last updated 1 year ago

Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
229 followers · 549 posts · Server

@compl4xx Oh wow.

Where to even begin.

- Vaccinations offer very little protection from infections (they work well to prevent deaths, but protect only very briefly against infections or from )
- One-way masking does not work. Masks do best to protect others from you, much less so to protect you from others. As such masks work best when everyone wears one.
- The food line was a joke, from what i head, since it was still in close proximity to the other food lines.

In other words, all you are doing here is showing your ignorance and/or that you seem to be in the luxurious and highly privileged position to take such risks.

For many of us (immuno-compromised, disabled, chronically ill, older) this wasn't even a possibility.

Plus as you can read elsewhere, i (and others) have been trying to fight for a mask consensus at since Oct. 2022 and was brushed off, and then later thrown under the bus.

had a deeply problematic ableist and ageist structure and as such has died in Saint-Imier. And if you actually read the post that wasn't even the only reason it did.

The future lies in issue-based activism that adapts anarchist principles. Anarchy as a movement is dead.

#LongCovid #ria #anarchy2023 #anarchy

Last updated 1 year ago

Scheinbar sind in st imier bei öfters Leute über gleise anstatt einen Umweg zu machen, es gab beinahe unfälle, die Bahnstrecke wurde bestreikt, nun muss die orga möglicherweise Unsummen für den schienenersatzverkehr berappen.

Im Konflikt zwischen welchen Begriffen von anarchie auch immer da aufeinanderprallten bin ich klar auf Seite der lokführer:innen die eher in streik gingen als einen Unfall zu riskieren


Last updated 1 year ago