Julie Webgirl · @juliewebgirl
516 followers · 1907 posts · Server mstdn.social

How did I miss that there was an ? A . An (29° of a sign) Solar eclipse?!?

Aries anaretic solar eclipse with in Cancer.

Are we having fun yet?

#astrologynerd #Astrology #Mars #anaretic #solareclipse #Eclipse

Last updated 2 years ago

Julie Webgirl · @juliewebgirl
434 followers · 1292 posts · Server mstdn.social

Currently, my only goal is to survive the next 2 weeks as that big old glacier slides over the ground, grinding everything in it's path till there's nothing remaining.

This is how I describe a Pluto transit & it's grinding over my Saturn, my chart ruler, as we speak.

Oh, and for those aware of the term, it's all . And trine my Mercury & IC by minutes.

Pluto moves slow and this has been a long time coming.

Hiding doesn't work so c'mon Pluto, let's dance.

#Astrology #astrologynerd #anaretic

Last updated 2 years ago

Julie Webgirl · @juliewebgirl
404 followers · 1076 posts · Server mstdn.social


Pluto goes anaretic (29°) in just under 9 hours. Are you ready? It's gonna be there awhile (2 years? 3 years? Sorry too lazy to look at moment)... finishing up with whatever it's got to do in Capricorn. Destruction of the status quo. Transformation. LOL ya think??

#anaretic #astrologynerd #Astrology

Last updated 2 years ago