Kids Won’t Be Able to Spend Mom’s Digital Ruble as They Wish, Russian Official Says - The new form of Russia’s fiat, the digital ruble, will make spending more efficien... - #programmablemoney #digitalcurrency #anatolyaksakov #digitalruble #transactions #centralbank #payments #finance #aksakov #russian #russia #money #ruble #cbdc
#cbdc #ruble #money #russia #russian #aksakov #finance #payments #centralbank #transactions #digitalruble #anatolyaksakov #digitalcurrency #programmablemoney
Russian State Duma Passes Digital Ruble Law - The State Duma, the lower house of the Russian Federal Assembly, discussed and pas... - #centralbankofrussia #olgaskorobogatova #russianstateduma #anatolyaksakov #digitalruble #regulation
#regulation #digitalruble #anatolyaksakov #russianstateduma #olgaskorobogatova #centralbankofrussia
Central Bank of Russia: Digital Ruble Could Be Launched as Soon as 2025 - Olga Skorobogatova, first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, indicated... - #centralbankdigitalcurrency #centralbankofrussia #olgaskorobogatova #anatolyaksakov #digitalruble #stateduma #news
#news #stateduma #digitalruble #anatolyaksakov #olgaskorobogatova #centralbankofrussia #centralbankdigitalcurrency
State Duma Chairman of Financial Markets Committee: Russia to Exert ‘Serious’ Control Over Crypto After Legalization - Anatoly Aksakov, chairman of the Financial Markets Committee of the State Duma, th... - #cryptocurrencyregulation #internationalsettlements #centralbankofrussia #bypassingsanctions #anatolyaksakov #legalization #regulation #stateduma
#stateduma #regulation #legalization #anatolyaksakov #bypassingsanctions #centralbankofrussia #internationalsettlements #cryptocurrencyregulation
Largest Russian Bank Sberbank Opens Developer Access to in-House Defi Platform - Sberbank, the largest bank in the Russian Federation, announced that it opened acc... - #federaltaxationservice #anatolyaksakov #alexandernam #stateduma #comunity #sberbank #russian #defi #bank
#bank #defi #russian #sberbank #comunity #stateduma #alexandernam #anatolyaksakov #federaltaxationservice
Russia to Enact Laws to Regulate Crypto Exchange Action; Profiles Use of Cryptocurrency to Bypass Sanctions - The government of Russia is preparing to regulate the establishment and action of ... - #cryptocurrencyregulations #economicsanctions #alexeytarapovsky #anatolyaksakov #ivanchebeskov #alexeiguznov #bankofrussia #economics #russia
#russia #economics #BankofRussia #alexeiguznov #ivanchebeskov #anatolyaksakov #alexeytarapovsky #economicsanctions #cryptocurrencyregulations
Digital Ruble Law Likely to Be Passed in June According to Russian Official - The digital ruble law project, which was already discussed and approved in its fir... - #centralbankofrussia #digitalrublelaw #anatolyaksakov #stateduma #finance #russia
#russia #finance #stateduma #anatolyaksakov #digitalrublelaw #centralbankofrussia
Russian Official Expects Agreement on BRICS Currency This Year - The chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market says that an agre... - #chairmanofthestatedumacommitteeonthefinancialmarket #bricscurrencydollar #russiabricscurrency #bricscurrencyusd #anatolyaksakov #bricscurrency #economics #brics
#brics #economics #bricscurrency #anatolyaksakov #bricscurrencyusd #russiabricscurrency #bricscurrencydollar #chairmanofthestatedumacommitteeonthefinancialmarket
Russia Mulls Gold-backed Stablecoin, Lawmaker Confirms After Iran Visit - Russia may issue a stablecoin backed by gold to use in international settlements, ... - #gold-backedstablecoin #cross-borderpayments #elviranabiullina #anatolyaksakov #crossborder #stablecoin #sanctions #finance #ukraine #russia #brics #china #gold #iran #war
#war #iran #china #brics #russia #ukraine #finance #sanctions #stablecoin #crossborder #anatolyaksakov #elviranabiullina #cross #gold
📬 Russland verabschiedet Gesetz zum Verbot von Krypto-Zahlungen
#Kryptowährungen #AnatolyAksakov #KryptoZahlungen #Mining #Russland #WladimirPutin
#wladimirputin #russland #mining #Kryptozahlungen #anatolyaksakov #kryptowährungen