Anatoly Karlin (Анатолий Карлин), known as powerfultakes, is a #Russian white nationalist, anti-vegan activist and #homophobe who supports the Russo-Ukrainian War. Karlin has admitted to finding 14 year old girls "hot" and once posted a picture of a 14 year old girl on his Twitter account. In 2019, Karlin admitted to being a "racist and very happy with that", after posting how much he dislikes black people on Reddit. On his website, Karlin promotes an animal-based #ketogenic diet and has boasted on Twitter that he eats insects He also supports other low-carbohydrate quackery such as the Atkins diet and carnivore diet.
#RationalWiki #anatolykarlin #WhiteNationalism
#russian #homophobe #ketogenic #rationalwiki #anatolykarlin #whitenationalism