#NowWatching for #FrankensteinDay, #VíctorErice 's El espíritu de la colmena [The Spirit of the Beehive] (1973). #film #FilMastodon #FilmDinner #AnaTorrent
#nowwatching #frankensteinday #victorerice #film #filmastodon #filmdinner #anatorrent
31 years ago:
Cows (ES)
Original title: Vacas
A film set in the Basque region, beginning in the Carlist war of 1875 and ending during the Spanish Civil war of 1936. The film portrays how one single act of cowardice shapes the life of the next three generations of two families and fuels the intense rivalry which will span the next sixty-one year...
#Cows #JulioMedem #EmmaSuárez #AnaTorrent #KandidoUranga #MaríaElenaSáinzdeRozas #ClassicFilm #Film
#cows #juliomedem #emmasuarez #anatorrent #kandidouranga #mariaelenasainzderozas #classicfilm #film
47 years ago:
Cría cuervos… (ES)
In Carlos Saura’s exquisite Cría cuervos…, Ana Torrent portrays the disturbed eight-year-old Ana, living in Madrid with her two sisters and mourning the death of her mother, whom she conjures as a ghost (an ethereal Geraldine Chaplin).
#Críacuervos #GeraldineChaplin #AnaTorrent #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#criacuervos #geraldinechaplin #anatorrent #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
47 years ago:
Cría cuervos… (ES)
In Carlos Saura’s exquisite Cría cuervos…, Ana Torrent portrays the disturbed eight-year-old Ana, living in Madrid with her two sisters and mourning the death of her mother, whom she conjures as a ghost (an ethereal Geraldine Chaplin).
#Críacuervos #GeraldineChaplin #AnaTorrent #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#criacuervos #geraldinechaplin #anatorrent #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film