So I hope today is a writing day, though it really needs to be a cleaning day. I haven't been home any night this week, instead being out and about playing chaffeur, teacher, and social cordinator.
Sometimes being an ambivert stinks. I woke up super late around 7:30. I barely had time to write this morning's thread.
Today's work is the solar system based on Pythagorean Theory. Later, I hope for one of the Lands of the Dead.
#writinggoals #worldbuilding #anaxiletus
I have spent decades translating multiple notebooks in every edition of D&D, FASERIP, Ars Magica, WEG D6 systems, and more. I've even written my own systems.
I am trending more narrative recently because my brain loves getting the math right. The issue is that my heart wants to act out the story. As a result, I gravitate to PBtA, Worlds w/o Number, and sometimes GURPS.
There is character customization, but the math is good enough.
Last thing about Columbris
All students must learn the Game of Hands. It is like Paper, Rock, Scissors, but there are seven choices instead of three. It is designed to teach students how to hold seven things in mind. This can actually be roleplayed if you look up RPS-7. I have different gestures, but this works.
I put all the really esoteric ideas here like Awakened Numbers and Portable Stars. They don't really fit anywhere else.
#worldbuilding #cyphersystem #anaxiletus #columbris
One of a handful of elite magic colleges. This is not a place for children, regardless of the magnitude of their gift or financial resources.
The campus sprawls the entire world and sits in The Realm Between. It is home to wizards and mages of all traditions. The ban on violence is strictly enforced by Greuta Mona, a ritual that robs a wizard of their magic.
For all the harshness, it is a realm of colors and beauty.
#worldbuilding #anaxiletus #cyphersystem
About Salt Magic pt 2
Raw Salt or Brown Salt is the base form straight out of the mines. It is used for unburling magic and by foolish dabblers that are too impatient to refine it correctly. Raw Salt for magic is volatile. It food it is absolutely awful.
Blood Salt is a dangerous form that uses the salt in the mage's body. Usually invoked as a last resort as it can be deadly.
#worldbuilding #anaxiletus #saltmagic
About Salt Magic
The five colors (red, yellow, blue, white, black) can be combined to make new colors and new effects. Due to the nature of salt, however, only two colors can be combined and not all two color combinations yield anything (yet). Two exceptions are gold and silver salts. They are three color combinations. There are legends of the destructive Rust Salt, but no one has reprodiced it in hundreds of years.
#worldbuilding #anaxiletus #saltmagic
I appreciate the positive activity for my world building posts this morning. Seriously, thank you.
I am nowhere near my original writing goals, but being out of town for the weekend provides some time to write out longhand some of these ideas.
I have two short stories written already about Galen, the most (in)famous Salt Mage.
Last thing about my morning World Building:
Darkness is a substance like light. So as light has photons, darkness has okotons that are equal and opposite of photons.
Darkness, however, is not associated with death. There is no force of death, death is the absence of will. Will comes from life and life comes from elemental earth.
Darkness is more associated with protection than anything else because is obscures.
But this is just preliminary, it might change as I understand the Cypher System better. Again, I do not want to just being over 5e lore, I want to reinterpret the lore for the system. The biggest example is no Astral, Ethereal, Inner, or Outer Planes. I had a lot of stuff tied to that, especially Realms of the Dead in the Ethereal Plane. If I make a 5e version for cousins and my family, the lore will be different
#cyphersystem #worldbuilding #anaxiletus
How does Burl and Salt translate to the Cypher System?
So far, the salts and elements will be foci, seven of each. The seven salts (burling) are red, yellow, blue, white, black, raw, and blood. The seven elements (shaping) are air, earth, fire, water, spirit, light, dark.
Salt abilities are tied to effects like conjuring, traveling, etc. Wizard abilities are tied to elements and their associations such as shaping earth into a wall or shaping earth to talk to plants.
#Anaxiletus #Worldbuilding
I am writing this on my phone, so I am pretty sure that I am misspelling my Anaxiletus tag. Anexiletus is the philosopher of my fantasy worlds, in the lore I have written so far in various places, he is the historian and elucidator. He is not, however, a magic-user of any kind. He would call himself a scientist.
Most wizards impose their will on the ether directly. Not tied to a physical component, the effects spontaneously appear. However, they cannot unravel magic like the Salt Mage, only counter it. For example, if a wizard generates a ball of fire, another wizard can counter it with air, ice, or stone to counter the power of the fire. A Salt Mage, however, can unravel the spell itself, reverting it to ether.
The ability to unburl makes them feared.
Snow day here tomorrow, so I hope to stat some of these characters for Cypher System to help me determine abilities for my setting to use in a future game.
Lotus is the most challenging NPC. The dolphin is the easiest. Lucky Lou, the Zarapheeg, Capt. John Sanderson, the Rebel Goliath, Galen the Salt Mage, and various Dragon Houses fall somewhere between.
#anaxiletus #ttrpg #cyphersystem
In my family's game, we have a companion that is an Awakened Psionic Dolphin Paladin that explores the land spreading the good will of Nethunus the Sea God.
On land, he wears a protective sleeve around his torso and flukes. His head and snout are in a glass bubble. He moves around land by hovering.
He is naive, silly, curious, and bombastic. He is vain, but really wants the best for his friends. He rarely fights because he can really mess up your mind.
#anaxiletus #cyphersystem #ttrpg
For example, I have an NPC, Lotus, that is a scientist from the second dimension. He has learned to interact with a 3 dimensional world as well a 6 dimensional one.
His ships spins on 3 axes so it can be easily seen and he taps against the hull to generate speech like sounds from the ship, or his suit. He is insanely curious, loves chess, and is non-violent. I can rate him as an 8 and make hitting him a 10, but outsmarting him is extremely difficult.
#anaxiletus #cyphersysten #ttrpg #npc
The Anaxiletus tag is used on my blog for a reimaged cosmolgy. Anaxiletus is the great mathemtician and historian that shares notes about a given topic to preface my blog posts.
For example:
Before the Demiurge moved and set creation in motion, there was an endless watery void. The Primessence has no math, no mass, and no motion. Inert, it only appears to ripple from an unseen wind. --Anaxiletus from his treatise, First Things
On a positive note, I got the rare opportunity to read for several hours today. I read through the Cypher System today and I like it more as I continue to dogest it. The CSOL really is a toolkit and I can see the pieces coming together in my mind.
I still need to work with recovery actions. They are straightforward, but I am not getting it yet. Outside of that, I am going to try to make a setting with the rules.
#csol #anaxiletus #backontrack