Il Fazzo · @ilfazzo
13 followers · 120 posts · Server

In I just finished my second character to farm the league mechanic. It is an Explosive Arrow ballista Champion with some elements of crowd control like flee and knockback. I will try to fit other crowd control mechanics in the build as my ranking in the Trials grows. At the moment I am sitting at 250 rating and got around 5 divines worth of currency and items not counting tattoos and boons.

#pathofexile #ancestorsleague

Last updated 1 year ago

Il Fazzo · @ilfazzo
10 followers · 155 posts · Server

In I'm currently playing a lv. 91 Lightning Arrow Deadeye. The build is very fast and uses The Gull and the Domination (aka "shrines") mechanic to complete maps very fast.

I built an Atlas strategy based on Legion, Ambush, Harbinger, Domination and Searing Exarch. My goal is to complete maps very fast racking up an insane amount of bubblegum currency to sell. Also Harbinger and Legion will be very relevant leading up to the endgame.

#pathofexile #ancestorsleague

Last updated 1 year ago