The first time I know of that a relative of mine appeared in the Atlanta (Journal-) Constitution was 1886, when my third great-grandfather Elias Bruce, a widower then age 74, professed to "obtain perfect love" on... meeting and marrying a woman at a campmeeting in Dawsonville. What an honor and unexpected delight all these years later to see ANCESTOR TROUBLE listed among the @AJC's twelve best southern books of 2022.
#ancestortrouble #Reading #Books
The first time I know of that a relative of mine appeared in the Atlanta (Journal-) Constitution was 1886, when my third great-grandfather Elias Bruce, a widower then age 74, professed to "obtain perfect love" on... meeting and marrying a woman at a campmeeting in Dawsonville. What an honor and unexpected delight all these years later to see ANCESTOR TROUBLE listed among the @AJC's twelve best southern books of 2022.
#ancestortrouble #Reading #Books
A hearty thanks to The Boston Globe and Adriana E. Ramírez for including ANCESTOR TROUBLE among their best books of the year, with so many of my own favorites.
#books #reading #ancestortrouble
#ancestortrouble #Reading #Books
A hearty thanks to The Boston Globe and Adriana E. Ramírez for including ANCESTOR TROUBLE among their best books of the year, with so many of my own favorites.
#books #reading #ancestortrouble
#ancestortrouble #Reading #Books
And thanks to Entertainment Weekly for the nice round-up mention at the end here.
And thanks to Entertainment Weekly for the nice round-up mention at the end here.
As someone who (having been born and spent my earliest years in Dallas, and grown up in Miami) has never really counted as southern to southerners or not-southern to anyone else, I'm floored by the inclusion of ANCESTOR TROUBLE here. Many, many thanks to Garden & Gun, Latria Graham, and CJ Lotz.
I'm delighted that ANCESTOR TROUBLE is one of NPR's "Books We Love," among so many books I love. And I'm grateful to Kristen Martin for her thoughtful review.
#books #bookstagram #literary #ancestortrouble #genealogy #ancestors
#ancestors #genealogy #ancestortrouble #literary #bookstagram #Books
It was an honor and a delight to speak with Ada Calhoun today at the Miami Book Fair about ANCESTOR TROUBLE and her wonderful book ALSO A POET. So much gratitude to the Miami Book Fair and Books and Books for having us, and to friends who braved the rain. My hair did an almost '60s/'90s flip sort of thing because of the weather, which confirms that if I lived here my hair would be curly again.
Photo: @bookofsand
#miamibookfair #alsoapoet #ancestortrouble #books #bookstodon
#bookstodon #Books #ancestortrouble #alsoapoet #miamibookfair
Thanks to the Washington Post Book World for including ANCESTOR TROUBLE in this excellent year-end list of 2022 nonfiction books! By coincidence, Ada Calhoun and I will be doing an event together at the Miami Book Fair on Sunday, so it's fun to see our books in the header together. I am bringing ALSO A POET with me to Miami. Currently at JFK, boarding soon. #maudnewton #ancestortrouble #adacalhoun #alsoapoet #rebeccadonner #washingtonpost #bestbooksof2022
#bestbooksof2022 #washingtonpost #rebeccadonner #alsoapoet #adacalhoun #ancestortrouble #maudnewton