Gryph · @wildergryph
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

Still figuring Mastodon out, but hey, have an post!

I'm a artist, writer, and polytheist with particular interest in , , , , , & .

Topics I anticipate posting about include , , , , , , , , , and...honestly, probably a lot of things I'm not anticipating just yet. Let's find out!

#ancestorwork #transrights #meditation #theology #archaeology #ancienthistory #devotionalart #polytheism #witchcraft #decolonialism #animism #folkmagic #norsepolytheism #IrishPolytheism #kemeticpolytheism #queer #intro

Last updated 2 years ago

Lannan ⛈️ · @lannan
188 followers · 461 posts · Server

I have a book about with this painting by Alfredo Ramos Martínez from 1940, and I've begun to use her as the face of all my women ancestor workings since I don't have any good photos of my great-grandmothers. I set up a small little shrine for my first last night, using the book, lighting a candle, and offering some cranberry beer.

CW for eye contact.

#ancestorwork #ancestorveneration #polytheism #syncretism #mexico #mexicayotl #huehuemexicayotl #mothersnight #malinche

Last updated 2 years ago

Lannan ⛈️ · @lannan
194 followers · 508 posts · Server

I have a book about with this painting by Alfredo Ramos Martínez from 1940 as the cover, and I've begun to use her as the face of all my women ancestor workings since I don't have any good photos of my great-grandmothers. I set up a small little shrine for my first last night, using the book, lighting a candle, and offering some cranberry beer.

CW for eye contact.

#xicano #chicano #ancestorwork #polytheism #syncretism #mexico #mexicayotl #huehuemexicayotl #mothersnight #malinche

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic (A’Aqyt) · @teagarden
87 followers · 66 posts · Server

With the turning from autumn to yule time, the ancestral gods have been coming in full force. It’s part of my spiritual cycle to have the kemetic gods go gently quiet for a few months to let the ancestors and those gods shine. Last couple years have not included these periods, I am thinking it’s because of how the world was. Now they are here to shine.

(Below is AI generated, helps to capture a vibe when I am working them out in my head)

#Pagan #winter #ancestralDeities #ancestorwork #ancestor

Last updated 2 years ago

Graeme · @graeme
47 followers · 148 posts · Server

In pagan circles we often include/venerate the ancestors. For those of us in the European diaspora, we’re generally talking about pre-Christian peoples which is a long way back, or ancestors of spirit/lineage. Both of these approaches are valid, but if it’s the only thing we do, can tacitly ignore the atrocities that the European diaspora did and continues to do. In the last year I’ve been doing a deep dive into my family tree to understand who exactly my genetic ancestors were. So far I’ve encountered an imperialist colonel who managed the entire supply train in the Pacific in WWII (grandfather I never knew), a member of the KKK (great grandfather), a slaver who “owned” upwards of 28 people at the time of his death (4th great grandfather), and a handful of pioneers and Confederate soldiers. Part of my decolonization effort is to have an open invitation to these ancestors around Samhain to see/experience how I’m actively transforming their lineage and unfucking the world they made. I keep hoping to find a cool ancestor like an abolitionist or a union fighter, but so far not yet. Uncovering their stories is hard and slow work, but feels somehow more substantial knowing who they were than the general assumption that I come from colonizers.

#paganism #ancestors #ancestorwork #decolonization #unfucktheworld

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Kane · @jimagenealogist
34 followers · 37 posts · Server

Looking for a resource of Mid-Atlantic compendium of early American settlers. I used one that was on the web and very helpful but cannot remember the name. Help! 🙂

#Geneadons #virginia #ancestorwork #ancestry

Last updated 2 years ago

Kaj · @SpeedOfHuman
36 followers · 20 posts · Server

About a year ago, I recieved a box in the mail containing my baby book, about a hundred loose photos from my childhood, and a birthday card with no inscription or message beyond my mom signing her and her husband’s names.

We hadn’t been on speaking terms since 2015. It was unclear whether it was an olive branch or a purging of all evidence I had ever existed.


Last updated 2 years ago

fox · @foxen
44 followers · 13 posts · Server

apparently people do introduction posts on here.

im fox, 23yo (they/them). im a queer pagan witch and a leftist. if you follow me, you might know me from twitter. not looking to replace twitter as of rn, but thought mastodon looked interesting enough to give a shot.

#magick #Tarot #osteomancy #ancestorwork #dnd #neurodivergent #autistic #actuallyautistic #leftist #queer #transgender #trans #animism #animist #witchcraft #witch #lokean #Pagan

Last updated 2 years ago

Tea Addicted Witch · @teaaddictedwitch
76 followers · 88 posts · Server

There's a lot of talk in witch communities about "ancestor work." What do people often mean when they talk about ancestor work, and how can one practice it?

#wicca #witch #spirituality #spiritwork #ancestorwork #magic #witchcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

Lannan ⛈️ · @lannan
115 followers · 152 posts · Server
Lannan ⛈️ · @lannan
115 followers · 152 posts · Server
Lannan ⛈️ · @lannan
115 followers · 152 posts · Server

Hello brave new mastodony world! I guess I'll introduce myself for posterity:

I'm a and practicing (a revived based on the traditions of my ancestors in ). I mostly talk about , , , and , and , , , , and among other things.

Hoping to get to know some folks here, as well as lure more people away from Twatter 👀

#monasticism #ancestorwork #transrights #decolonialism #posthumanism #antihumanism #arttheory #art #meditation #history #theology #mexico #religion #mexicayotl #buddhist #zen #pagan #polytheist

Last updated 2 years ago