On July 1, 1953, most Anchorage restaurants closed as the workers went on strike. For a week, Anchorage residents either ate at home or went hungry. Visitors struggled to find hot food. More on it in my 2021 article (https://adn.com/alaska-life/2021/03/14/in-1953-anchorage-restaurant-workers-were-unionized-and-had-the-power-to-shut-down-almost-every-restaurant-in-town/). #alaska #anchoragehistory #alaska
1916 Alaska Labor Union Hall in Anchorage. During the night of Oct 15-16, 1916, it burned to the ground, likely arson from anti-union elements in town, which would be the railroad. #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
Sep 1994 facing eviction for unpaid rent, south Anchorage junkyard proprietor Ralph Rollins set it on fire. Acted as own attorney & was sentenced to year in prison + 150 hours community service. Photo from Jim Lavrakas's 2012 book Snap Decisions. #alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
#alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
May 11, 1921, a man held up the Bank of Alaska in Anchorage, the first bank robbery in town history. He disappeared w/ $2,514 (about $43,500 in 2023 dollars) & was never identified, the most successful Anchorage bank robbery ever. #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
1/3 April 15, 1997, Susan & Linny Pacillo, the Anchorage Parking Fairies, in a refurbished 1973 Cushman Truckster, the Fairy Mobile. They drove around & filled expired parking meters, fighting a notoriously aggressive city parking authority. #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
Aug 30, 1941 Anchorage Daily Times ad for the Donut Shop, what I believe was Anchorage's first donut specialty shop. Located on F St east of old Federal Bldg. 35 cents a dozen is about $7 now. #alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
#alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
Anchorage as depicted in the March 11, 1995 "Deja Vu" episode of Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? Just a little bit off in its depiction. Full episode here (https://youtu.be/vJEMN7WtdxE). #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
“You are a G-- d--- coward; you wouldn’t shoot nobody.” Then his killer shot him. The story of the 1923 shooting death of two Finnish brothers near Anchorage, and its aftermath, in my latest Anchorage Daily News article. #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory https://www.adn.com/alaska-life/2023/08/27/you-are-a-g-d-coward-you-wouldnt-shoot-nobody-the-1923-murder-of-two-anchorage-brothers/
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
Aug 23, 1989, 34 years ago today, a naked man climbed the flagpole at the Mountain View McDonald's in Anchorage, jumped off, & died. There were no drugs in his system. He had no ID, tattoos, scars, or noticeable birthmarks. All these years later, he still has not been identified, one of the great Anchorage mysteries. #alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
#alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
1/2 Yesterday, I saw a real Anchorage relic, this sticker on a car. #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
Circa 1960 postcard of Highland Fling, an Anchorage lounge and restaurant on Fourth Ave. Opened in 1955, closed mid 1960s. #alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
#alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
1/2 Circa 1998 Klondike Kate's Bare Trap T-shirt. This Anchorage strip club, formerly the Sawmill Club, attracted a rough crowd and did not last long. Via Ebay (https://www.ebay.com/itm/166260579951?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SNdCBTWdRMq&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=laaBxFPgS0G&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY). #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
August 3, 1977 Star Wars opened in Anchorage, 46 years ago today. The movie opened nationwide on May 25, 1977. It didn't reach Fairbanks until October. Movie releases were different back then. #alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska #starwars
#alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska #starwars
1937 Jacob "Russian Jack" Marunenko (1883-1971) mug shot after killing an Anchorage cabbie. He was also a convicted bootlegger and had previously kept a cabin & still in what is now Russian Jack Springs Park. People associated him with the area, thus the origin of park, neighborhood, & school name. #alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
#alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
Feb 13, 1979, socialite/actress Zsa Zsa Gabor posing with a dog team at Anchorage. She was in town making appearances during Fur Rondy. #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
April 14, 1970, Prince Charles (now King Charles III) in Anchorage, at the west end of 5th Avenue, by Elderberry Park where he took a brief stroll. Photo by longtime Anchorage Times photographer Alice Puster. #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
1976, Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens in Anchorage for a Jesse Owens Junior Track event. Photo by longtime Anchorage Times photographer Alice Puster. #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
"Name a city where you think it's hard to find a nice guy." "Anchorage, Alaska," she replied. "There's some interesting dudes there." From a Nov 2017 episode of Family Feud. Bonnie & her family are from Michigan. #alaskahistory #alaska #familyfeud #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #familyfeud #anchoragehistory
Circa 1940s residents of Anchorage, Alaska waiting in line to pick up their mail in the old Federal Building. Before 1951, Anchorage residents had to go downtown to either drop off or pick up mail. Via Anchorage Museum #alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
#alaskahistory #alaska #anchoragehistory
June 28, 1972, actor Steve McQueen arrested for reckless driving around 1 AM in Anchorage. He was weaving across lanes & spinning donuts in a 1972 Toronado on 4th Ave. Posted $250 bond & was out of AK by 1:30 PM. #alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska
#alaskahistory #anchoragehistory #alaska