Ki · @KiFoxWrites
230 followers · 581 posts · Server

Can anyone recommend good learning/study of/history of, accounts? Specifically or . I love especially.

Please and thank you 😊

#histodon #languagelearning #historian #histodian #languages #langtoot #cunieform #indigenouslanguage #ancientLanguage #language

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Simon Trafford · @Trafford
48 followers · 40 posts · Server

It occurs to me that I have taught Horace Ode 3.26 'vixi puellis' more than any other text during my career. It was an set text for 6 years and is prescribed at on Eduqas Love and Marriage for 3 years. Has anyone else experienced similar with set texts?

#latin #ancientLanguage #classics #gcse #ib

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Simon Trafford · @Trafford
48 followers · 40 posts · Server

Today I taught composition for the first time. I absolutely loved it and the students took to it seamlessly. I think it is so important for students to use the language actively so they can get a firmer grasp of the language and how the case system works.

#ancientLanguage #teacher #classics #latin

Last updated 2 years ago

SpaceXploration is a . Always has been.

Lots of to produce that withstand conditions (incl ) whilst collecting and communicating over vast distances.

Its easy to label the following as conspiratorial, but what purpose might it *really* serve? What '' are they *really* talking about exploring and ?


#scam #fiatmoney #autonomousvehicles #hostile #radiation #information #space #dominating #spacex #spaceexploration #el #elevation #on #sun #ancientLanguage #god #sunGod #solarFlare

Last updated 3 years ago