Pseudo-#Archäologie auf #Netflix, beschreibt eine angebliche #Apokalypse vor 12.800 Jahren. Die Doku-Serie von Graham #Hancock, stellt jede Menge Vermutungen an, bleibt aber Beweise schuldig. Er erinnert in seinem Stil an Erich von #Däniken. #AncientApocalypse
#archaologie #Netflix #apokalypse #Hancock #daniken #ancientapocalypse
Got a bit more motivated after yesterday’s #Worldbuilding #Roundtable and got back to #Sketching some maps and taking some notes on #PrimalQuest world of Thaia. Feels good and it’s fueling me with ideas again.
Coupled with me watching #PrehistoricPlanet, #Primal, and #AncientApocalypse, and reading about South American #Prehistory, I think there’s a lot that can be explored!
#Prehistoric #Dinosaurs #Cartography #Fantasy #StoneAndSorcery #SwordAndSorcery #IndieGame #Drawing #ShowYourWork
#worldbuilding #roundtable #sketching #PrimalQuest #PrehistoricPlanet #primal #ancientapocalypse #prehistory #prehistoric #dinosaurs #cartography #fantasy #stoneandsorcery #swordandsorcery #indiegame #drawing #showyourwork
Got a bit more motivated after yesterday’s #Worldbuilding #Roundtable and got back to #Sketching some maps and taking some notes on #PrimalQuest world of Thaia. Feels good and it’s fueling me with ideas again.
Coupled with me watching #PrehistoricPlanet, #Primal, and #AncientApocalypse, and reading about South American #Prehistory, I think there’s a lot that can be explored!
#Prehistoric #Dinosaurs #Cartography #Fantasy #StoneAndSorcery #SwordAndSorcery #IndieGame #Drawing #ShowYourWork
#worldbuilding #roundtable #sketching #PrimalQuest #PrehistoricPlanet #primal #ancientapocalypse #prehistory #prehistoric #dinosaurs #cartography #fantasy #stoneandsorcery #swordandsorcery #indiegame #drawing #showyourwork
Enjoy an essay by Step Back History
#breadtube #history #stepbackhistory #tristanjohnson #psuedoscience #ancientapocalypse
#breadtube #history #stepbackhistory #tristanjohnson #psuedoscience #ancientapocalypse
Step Back's @TristanPEJ is one of my most favourite creators on Youtube & Nebula. He's a man with a mission I wholeheartedly support.
If you're curious about The Discourse™ surrounding Netflix's 'Ancient Apocalypse', let Tristan explain. & no, you don't need to watch the "documentary" series. Probably best you don't. Start here:
#ancientapocalypse #netflix #pseudohistory #grahamhancock
“#AncientApocalypse takes some unfair pot shots at archaeologists and archaeology. The public needs to know what we really do.
What Do Archaeologists Do? – SAPIENS
#ArchaeologyTwitter”- John Hoopes
#ancientapocalypse #archaeologytwitter
Since it's come 'round again. Here's my short primer on Victorian models of sameness and difference that inform current theories about Atlantis #ancientapocalypse and #ancientaliens.
#ancientapocalypse #ancientaliens
Watching 'Ancient Apocolypse' on Netflix.
I'm intrigued but almost immediately critical.
This guy...isnt a scientist and follows no methods as such. He's a journalist.
I should have known better when Joe Rogan showed up in the trailer.
But I'm still curious
@cardiffuni academic @FlintDibble says the popularity of #Netflix show #AncientApocalypse means non-engagement is no longer possible, reports @jgro_the for #TimesHigherEducation. #Pseudoarchaeology #FakeHistory
#netflix #ancientapocalypse #timeshighereducation #pseudoarchaeology #FakeHistory
Archaeologists Discuss Graham Hancock's Ancient Apocalypse | Netflix
With Andy Brockman & Bill Farley
#Archaeology #ancientapocalypse #Netflix #pseudoarchaeology #grahamhancock
#archaeology #ancientapocalypse #netflix #pseudoarchaeology #grahamhancock
I watched an episode of Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix last night. So first thing is he's being praised by Rogan. #redflag Then he talks about how archeologists need to study his discovery, but there's no counter argument, just I'm right and they're ignoring my truth.
My impression is it's quackery.
#archeology #ancientapocalypse #netflix #redflag
Okay, I give up. Hancock's pseudoscientific nonsense is unbearable. I'm not watching the last 2 episodes. He must really hate archaeologists. Archaeology has been greatly damaged by the nonsense Hancock is allowed to spout about it.
The Netflix show "Ancient Apocalypse" has great pictures and locations but Graham Hancock is annoying. He presents himself as victim of a conspiracy of archaeologists who only care about money, power and influence.🤷
I think the history of humankind began much earlier than previously assumed, but not with a mystical advanced civilisation. And after Atlantis has fallen they tutored everyone else in civilisation? That's fiction.
Watching #grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse is a reminder that saying anything in a snobbish bristish accent makes it sound a 100% more believable
#grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse
Actualmente estoy leyendo #LaHuellaDeLosDioses de #GrahamHancock a quien he conocido gracias a su documental #AncientApocalypse (muy polémico, por cierto).
No me creo todo lo que dice, aunque sí buena parte. Como mínimo me hace cuestionarme cosas que damos por seguras y me deja dudando, eso es lo que más me gusta. Hay que reconocerle mérito porque lleva años investigando sobre la #CivilizacionPerdida independientemente de que algunas de sus teorías sean un poco enrevesadas.
Lo que más le aplaudo es su defensa de los mitos como transmisores de hechos reales. Creo que es un error considerarlos todos cuentos inventados y no tenerlos en cuenta a la hora de entender y estudiar civilizaciones antiguas.
#lahuelladelosdioses #grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse #civilizacionperdida
Das ist insofern bemerkenswert, als dies keineswegs der einzig solche Vorwurf an die Macher von "#AncientApocalypse" ist - auch eine Kollegin aus Malta hatte sich zuvor bereits ähnlich geäußert:
Kollege Necmi Karul, der in der "#AncientApocalypse"-Episode über den #GöbekliTepe zu Wort kommt, "wirft dem Filmemacher darüber hinaus Manipulation vor. Er habe ihm den aktuellen Wissensstand mitgeteilt, doch die kritischen Aussagen seien herausgeschnitten worden."
#ancientapocalypse #gobeklitepe
"#Netflix mit seinen einstmals so gelobten Dokumentationen hat sich mit dieser Serie auf die Abwege der #Pseudowissenschaft und Esoterik begeben."
Die zu "#AncientApocalypse" von fällt eindeutig aus:
#netflix #pseudowissenschaft #ancientapocalypse
Check out this fantastic discussion with Brent Lee of "Some Dare Call it Conspiracy" about the connections between #AncientApocalypse and conspiracism. Plus, extensive debunking of Graham Hancock's arguments
Podcast: (available on Spotify, Apple, etc.)