My 2 jars of homemade salted plums.
A Chinese tea cup is beside them - for scale.
#AsianMastodon #Chinese #Teochew #Fermented #PreservedFood #SaltedPlums #CulturalFoods #AsianFoods #ChineseFoods #POCfoods #FoodPreservation #TraditionalFood #AncientFoodPreservation #homemade #dehydrated #FoodSecurity #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #SelfSuffiency #gaginang
#gaginang #foodsecurity #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #selfsuffiency #asianmastodon #chinese #teochew #fermented #preservedfood #saltedplums #culturalfoods #asianfoods #chinesefoods #pocfoods #foodpreservation #traditionalfood #ancientfoodpreservation #homemade #dehydrated
Preserving #ginger & #SourPlums using simple #solar power with #repurposed takeout container & old serving platter. The ginger is #fermenting in the sun, after being soaked in #fermented salty mung bean juices. Sour plums are on day 3 of dehydrating in sun & coming along nicely (coarse salt & cane sugar used).
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #DIY #AsianFermenting #PreservingFood #FoodPreservation #AsianFoods #ChineseStyle #AncientFoodPreservation #CulturalFood #TraditionalMethods
#ginger #sourplums #solar #repurposed #fermenting #fermented #asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #diy #asianfermenting #preservingfood #foodpreservation #asianfoods #chinesestyle #ancientfoodpreservation #culturalfood #traditionalmethods