Two decimeter snow put an end to my #wildflower hunt this weekend so I'm sharing my most treasured wildflower memory of the year. #Teesdale Spring Gentian is just magical. We have a research project on #NRMoreside to understand #ClimateChange on the very special #flora up on the fell. I was so happy to see them for real in April #AncientGrassland
#ancientgrassland #flora #climatechange #nrmoreside #teesdale #wildflower
#artDD2022 no 322
TIME prompt word for #inktober52 aaaages ago
Rock roses / Helianthemum nummularium turn their flowers towards the sun, so it's a little sundial. This one grew in Teesdale #AncientGrassland #dailydrawing #ink #PlantAwareness
#plantawareness #ink #dailydrawing #ancientgrassland #inktober52 #artDD2022