마지막으로 찾아온 양치기.
The shepherd who came last.
그래, 후회없는 청춘을 보내기를.
Yes, I hope you spend your youth without regrets.
#nativity #hermesgod #hermes #hermesworship #shepherd #christ #jesus #jesuschrist #christmas #catholic #mercury #ancientgreekgods #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #성탄 #크리스마스 #헤르메스
#nativity #hermesgod #hermes #hermesworship #shepherd #christ #jesus #jesuschrist #christmas #catholic #mercury #ancientgreekgods #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #성탄 #크리스마스 #헤르메스
모든 와인박람회에 참석하는 남자.
A man who attends every wine fair.(『Hong Eun-young's Greek and Roman mythology』)
#greekmythology #dionysos #ancientgreekgods #bacchus #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #홍은영의그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #dionysos #ancientgreekgods #bacchus #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #홍은영의그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
함께 신화가 됩시다, 나의 사랑이여.
Let's become a myth together, my love.
#greekmythology #hades #ancientgreekgods #persephone #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #hades #ancientgreekgods #persephone #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
목신의 아버지의 오후(L'apres-midi d'un le père faune)
Afternoon of a Faun's father
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
비너스의 탄생
The Birth of Venus
#greekmythology #venus #aphrodite #ancientgreekgods #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #venus #aphrodite #ancientgreekgods #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
불멸의 아르고스.
Immortal Argus.
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
자, 신데렐라. 오늘의-인생으로의- 여행은 준비됐어?
So, Cinderella. Are you ready for today's-to-life-trip?
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
아폴론 신전, 낙소스 섬, 그리스
Temple of Apollo, Naxos Island, Greece
#greekmythology #apollo #greece #naxos #ancientgreekgods #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #apollo #greece #naxos #ancientgreekgods #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
나는 찢긴 신이니 너희들은 기꺼이 나를 취하라.
I am a torn god, so be willing to take me.
#greekmythology #dionysos #ancientgreekgods #bacchus #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #dionysos #ancientgreekgods #bacchus #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
Καλο μεσημερι, 길 좀 묻겠소만 이 근처에 우체국이 있습니까? 편지는 처음 부쳐보거든요.
Καλο μεσημερι, I have a question for you. Is there a post office around here? It's my first time sending a letter.
*first postal stamp of Greece, 1861. "large Hermes head"
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmythology #hermes #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth
헤르메스로부터 그리스도에게
From Hermes to Christ
#greekmythology #hermes #kriophoros #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화
#greekmyth #christ
#greekmythology #hermes #kriophoros #ancientgreekgods #mercury #그로신 #그리스로마신화 #greekmyth #christ