Anker Kafory · @anker
34 followers · 180 posts · Server

🧐 Unlocking Ancient Secrets: AI decodes Cuneiform & Egyptian hieroglyphs, revealing historical knowledge. 💡🔓

Challenges Conquered: Limited data overcome as AI deciphers Akkadian, a vital ancient language. 🤔💪

Unveiling Lost Worlds: AI uncovers ancient sites & geoglyphs, shedding light on our human heritage. 🏛️🌍

ℹ️ Explore this groundbreaking research:

#ancientlanguages #archaeology #ai #translation

Last updated 1 year ago

First classical Greek exam done, thus ending the semester. I'm usually wrecked after a language exam, so no exception there (and not over-committing at all 😬).

Still, time now to relax and/or get my notes in order for second semester Greek. (Yes, I'm a mature-age student, why do you ask?)

#ancientgreek #classicalgreek #ancientlanguages #studentlife

Last updated 1 year ago

Road Not Taken · @yoohooair
145 followers · 1246 posts · Server
Joan Grey · @JoanGrey
31 followers · 290 posts · Server

My next novel is due for its pre-order on Jan 17, so I'm sitting here editing like the wind. I'm sure I can make it, but why do no two Hittite dictionaries quite agree on any words?

#ancientlanguages #hittite #writersproblems #paranormalwomensfiction #writing

Last updated 2 years ago

Lynn Mhari · @lynncunliffe
1454 followers · 937 posts · Server
Javier Basulto · @basultomex
84 followers · 117 posts · Server


The Department of Linguistics of the University of Viena maintains the fantastic project called “Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts” (CEToM), which aims at setting up an integrated corpus of Tocharian (both A & B). Their webpage offers more than 1600 documents with transcriptions, transliterations and translations, etc. It is a commendable and impressive work, which can be accessed through the following link:

#ancientlanguages #tocharian

Last updated 2 years ago

Javier Basulto · @basultomex
237 followers · 443 posts · Server


The Department of of the University of maintains the fantastic project called “Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts” (CEToM), which aims at setting up an integrated corpus of Tocharian (both A & B). Their webpage offers more than 1600 documents with transcriptions, transliterations and translations, etc. It is a commendable and impressive work, which can be accessed through the following link:

#vienna #linguistics #ancientlanguages #tocharian

Last updated 2 years ago

Lysistrata · @Lysistrata
72 followers · 129 posts · Server
Javier Basulto · @basultomex
33 followers · 24 posts · Server


The "Cascajal Block" is an engraved slab found in the State of , in 1999. It has been dated to around 900-650 BC (its dating is still controversial) and may represent the oldest in the , since it contains 62 glyphs (many if them repeated). It is still kept in the village of "Lomas of Tacamichapan", where it was originally found. 1st photo is mine.

#languages #ancientlanguages #undeciphered #Americas #writingsystem #Mexico #veracruz #olmec #archaeology

Last updated 2 years ago

Javier Basulto · @basultomex
237 followers · 443 posts · Server


The "Cascajal Block" is an engraved slab found in the State of , in 1999. It has been dated to around 900-650 BC (its dating is still controversial) and may represent the oldest in the , since it contains 62 glyphs (many if them repeated). It is still kept in the village of "Lomas of Tacamichapan", where it was originally found. Photos my own.

#languages #ancientlanguages #undeciphered #Americas #writingsystem #Mexico #veracruz #olmec #archaeology

Last updated 2 years ago

TLDR: How can I retain my Latin? :)

I'm looking for any advice on retaining ancient languages when you have to focus your studies on a different area for a time.

I am taking ancient Greek next year after spending two years studying Latin. But I am keen to retain my current level of Latin - to the extent possible without the daily intensity of the last two years. With Greek to learn, a day job in a different area and family commitments, I know this will be a challenge.

I'd be grateful for any advice on what strategies you have found useful for retaining (even improving?) language fluency, especially in ancient languages.

I have some general thoughts at this stage (LLPSI, periodically translating passages as we did in class, reading parallel texts, etc.).

However I'm interested in any more specific strategies that have worked for the Mastodon history community.


#ancienthistory #ancientmed #classics #lingualatina #latin #ancientgreek #ancientlanguages #histodons

Last updated 2 years ago

Rick Brannan · @RickBrannan
62 followers · 13 posts · Server

Ok, time for a formal . Part of the great of '22, trying to get something settled here in the event of a Twitter crash-and-burn.
I wrangle data for Faithlife/Logos for my day job. I've translated and/or edited: an edition of the New Testament (SBLGNT), a Bible (LEB), the Apostolic Fathers (Lexham Press), Apocryphal Gospels (Lexham) and am contributing to a forthcoming translation of OT Pseudepigraphal material (Lexham).
I've published transcriptions and translations of early Christian papyri called "Fragments of Christianity" (Appian Way Press); I've contributed to Tony Burke's NT Apocrypha volumes (Eerdmans).
I am also researching and writing the Baylor (Press) Handbook on the Shepherd of Hermas. Besides all that, I have a minimal part-time gig wrangling data for Clear.Bible.
Phew. So, interests include , , , , as well as and . Also adjacent.

#wct #python #csharp #ancientlanguages #earlychristianity #pseudepigrapha #apocrypha #translation #greek #bible #twittermigration #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

jprbarry · @jprbarry
47 followers · 851 posts · Server

Thousands more students to learn ancient and modern languages
£4 million new scheme to give opportunity for all to study Latin

#latin #ancientlanguages #uk

Last updated 3 years ago