📢 New release of AncientMetagenomeDir (v23.06: Aachen Cathedral) by the SPAAM Community!
💀 #AncientMetagenomeDir is a community curated resource of standardised lists of #metadata of >2000 shotgun-sequenced #AncientMetagenome or ancient microbial genome-level enriched samples and >5000 libraries.
Release stats in the thread below 👇
#AncientDNA #palaeogenomics #aDNA #SPAAM #metagenomics
#ancientmetagenomedir #metadata #ancientmetagenome #ancientDNA #Palaeogenomics #aDNA #SPAAM #metagenomics
Keep your eyes 👀 for the next release, we have something exciting being cooked up that will super-charge your ability to download and process all of your #AncientMetagenome data!
📢 New release of AncientMetagenomeDir (v22.12) by the SPAAM Community!
💀 #AncientMetagenomeDir is a community curated resource of standardised lists of #metadata of more than 2000 shotgun-sequenced #AncientMetagenome or ancient microbial genome-level enriched samples and libraries.
You can use the tables to rapidly identify ancient samples/data for your own projects!
Release stats in the thread below 👇
#AncientDNA #palaeogenomics #aDNA #SPAAM #metagenomics
#ancientmetagenomedir #metadata #ancientmetagenome #ancientDNA #Palaeogenomics #aDNA #SPAAM #metagenomics