Óminnishegri heitir
sá er yfir ölðrum þrumir,
hann stelr geði guma; þess fugls fjöðrum
ek fjötraðr vark í garði Gunnlaðar.
The mind-stealing heron hovers over feasts
waiting to seize men's wits;
that bird's feathers fettered me
when I came to Gunnlod's court.
Stanza 13 of the Hávamál
So it wasn’t the mead that caused it, it was the mind-stealing heron — riiight. I can relate.
#Havamal #NorsePoetry #drinking #feasting #AncientPagans #Heathenry #hangover
#Havamal #norsepoetry #drinking #feasting #ancientpagans #heathenry #hangover
Óminnishegri heitir
sá er yfir ölðrum þrumir,
hann stelr geði guma; þess fugls fjöðrum
ek fjötraðr vark í garði Gunnlaðar.
The mind-stealing heron hovers over feasts
waiting to seize men's wits;
that bird's feathers fettered me
when I came to Gunnlod's court.
Stanza 13 of the Hávamál
So it wasn’t the mead that caused it, it was the mind-stealing heron — riiight. I can relate.
#Havamal #NorsePoetry #drinking #feasting #AncientPagans #Heathenry #hangover
#Havamal #norsepoetry #drinking #feasting #ancientpagans #heathenry #hangover