Finally finished the basing on the 15mm Forged in Battle Pikemen. All painted by a mate over three years. It was worth the wait. I need to add a few more bases and expand on some others I already have. And then work out what other units to add to make whatever final 'Successor' army I decide upon...
#wargaming #15mm #miniaturepainting #ancients
Almost gave up again but took today off work and made some good progress on the pikemen basing. And have prepped a few more. I'm 8 figures short to do the full 32 figure block. Don't really want to buy another pack of 24 so just 16 and some command for now.
#wargaming #15mm #miniaturepainting #ancients
Today has been a day of shitty stuff at work (not my fault...) but I did manage to stick the rest of the 15mm Pikemen to bases and repaint the cloaks on the command to make each group different.
No more tonight. Beer and wine say he no paint...
#wargaming #15mm #miniaturepainting #ancients
No proper updates for a while. Life has been complicated as we've had a load of building work done. Before and after shots below. Four weeks with no kitchen was hell...
Consequently hobby was non existent and even though work finished a month ago I still can't face a brush. However, 3 years ago I sent a load of 15mm Pikemen to a friend to paint. They finally arrived on Thursday! And I've made a start on basing them. Hopefully mojo will return.
#wargaming #miniaturepainting #15mm #ancients
Researchers find oldest #horsebackriders among #Yamnaya by looking at changes in their #skeletons
#ancients #skeletons #Yamnaya #horsebackriders
Some of gaming is done solo. As a person with a fondness for Ancients, I like to play Great Battles of History.
On the pictures below my first attempt at winning a scenario from Caesar Deluxe - Chaeronea with Sulla against Mithridatic army.
I enjoy "tactical puzzles" and trying to find a way to win as an underdog. Yellow Mithridatic army is an underdog here.
Romans executed a frontal attack and break through the enemy line in 3 turns. It is a puzzle that I haven't solved yet.
Гигантская книга...
#giants #giant #giantsarereal #realgiants #realgiant #ancientcivilizations #ancientcivilization #ancientcivilizations #ancient #ancients #oldworld #oldworldorder #tartaria #tartarian #tartarians #tartary #tartarianempire #coolpic
#giants #giant #giantsarereal #realgiants #realgiant #ancientcivilizations #ancientcivilization #ancient #ancients #OldWorld #OldWorldOrder #tartaria #tartarian #tartarians #tartary #Tartarianempire #coolpic
Здания на свободной энергии в далеком прошлом......
#ancienttechnology #atlanteans #ancientartifacts #ancient #ancients #ancientegypt #samurai #freethinkers #freeenergy #wireless #inventions #oldpics #historypics #historymatters #realhistory #oldworldorder #tartaria #tartarian #tartarians #tartary #tartarianempire
#ancienttechnology #atlanteans #ancientartifacts #ancient #ancients #ancientegypt #samurai #freethinkers #freeenergy #wireless #inventions #oldpics #historypics #historymatters #realhistory #OldWorldOrder #tartaria #tartarian #tartarians #tartary #Tartarianempire