Riddle of Roman Concrete solved!
Almost as important as the Riddle of Steel!
"As these guys showed, you don't have to be super trained to carry a log,"
How scientists hauling logs on their heads may have solved a Chaco Canyon mystery!
#ancienttech #logistics #survivalskills
I came across this gem today, used as a bookmark in a Douglas Coupland novel, while reorganizing my home library. Ah, college. #cpp #AncientTech
I always felt a deep kinship with Windows 3.0, being a single-tasking, single-threaded kind of a guy myself.
I submit to you an in-depth one-hour lecture by Richard Talbert on the fascinating portable Roman sundials --- which were probably more of a fashion and status statement than anything!
#lateantiquity #ancienttech #sundials
If there is one of the games I worked on I never expected streamers to play, it must be Loaded 4 Bear for Atari 2600. Yes, you read that right. #ancienttech #nostalgia