Burning the Clavie, Burghead
Ancient ritual of parading through the streets with a barrel of burning wood and tar. The precession ends when the burning barrel is placed on a mound while the crowds gather around.
Pic: Claiming a piece of burnt wood is meant to bring you and your family good luck for the coming year.
#clavie #Scotland #fire #burning #AncientTradition #ancient #history
#history #ancient #ancienttradition #burning #fire #scotland #clavie
Oh here, it's Boxing Day, isn't it? This is your annual reminder that it only became a holiday in Scotland in 1974.
Another flashback to a 'coinzie' tree in Perthshire, Scotland. A very old tradition linked to leaving devotional gifts at wells or ponds or sacred trees. Recent revivals have seen folk hammering coins into living trees. Please don't. #AncientTradition #Folklore #CustomAndBelief
#customandbelief #folklore #ancienttradition