Was Dad's birthday today and.... he gave all his kids a present.
Aka My brother found his wallet in a drawer a couple of days ago. £40 quid each...
#cheersdad #generoustilltheend #andbeyond
Wordle 621 6/6
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 #wordle #board #andbeyond #usonlysky
#Wordle #board #andbeyond #usonlysky
#NoCursing | #NoSwearing | #IndoorVoicesOnly | #ZeroDrama | #LaunchSequenceDeployed
To: #Saturn #AndBeyond
Tower Of Strength (East India Trans Cairo Mix)
#meanwhile #todaysmission #nocursing #noswearing #indoorvoicesonly #zerodrama #launchsequencedeployed #saturn #andbeyond
Den lieben #Fedinauten, die sich in 2023 noch nicht genug gegruselt haben:
#andbeyond #wirklichkeit #wahrheit #fedinauten
The economic costs and benefits of #Airbnb
No reason for local policymakers to let Airbnb bypass tax or regulatory obligations
By Josh Bivens • January 30, 2019 via #EconomicPolicyInstitute
#airbnb #economicpolicyinstitute #economy #usofa #andbeyond