I am so sad 😢 😭 Andy N. Condor, the beloved Andean Condor and Vulture Ambassador at Tracy Aviary in Utah, has passed away at the age of 64 of natural causes. He was active up until his very last day, taking walks with visitors and interacting with other birds (especially Chewie, the black vulture) and his keeper and best friend, Helen Dishaw. He lay down to sleep that night, and quietly passed on.
This is the announcement that was written on his Facebook page by Helen, who is devastated. She once said this is the price we will eventually have to pay for loving an animal, but we love them anyway.
By the way, I'm proud to be the one who told her of the legend "Once the condor enters your life, it will never leave." She used it in Andy's obituary, and it's so true.
Soar high on the thermals, Andy. We will meet again. 🖤 🤍 🖤 💗 💚 🌈
#birds #vultures #andeancondor
From Jim Sorensen's series "Birds In Shoes," this is "Andy N. Condor in Chukka Boots." Jim works in colored pencil.
I bought the original drawing for Helen Dishaw, Andy's real-life keeper and best friend because, well, she deserved it. It couldn't have gone to a better home. 😊
The second picture is the real Andy, along with Helen. It looks like they're saying "I love you THIS much!"
The photograph was taken by an unnamed member of the Tracy Aviary staff. They take pictures of their birds throughout the day.
The drawing is very vertical, so click to see both Andy and the boots he's wearing. Andy's wingspan is an impressive 10 feet, so give the photograph a click to see it in full.
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdArt #BirdsInShoes #AndeanCondor
#birds #birdphotography #birdart #birdsinshoes #andeancondor
It's time for an #AndeanCondor photo!
Here's a lovely one of both a female (L) and a male (R) standing in tall grass. Looks like they're nuzzling, doesn't it? 😊
Photographer unknown. Photo is in the public domain.
#andeancondor #birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon
There's no way to choose one bird because I love them all, large and small. But a bird I'm really fascinated by is the Andean condor (I love vultures and condors in general). It's huge, with up to an 11-foot wingspan, and can weigh up to 33 lbs. Here's a picture (public domain) showing a female on the left and a male on the right.
It's so energy efficient that it can glide on the thermals without flapping its wings more than once.
Looking at this, you might think that Andy N. Condor is singing his heart out or at least squawking. But vultures and condors do not have a syrinx — the bird equivalent to human vocal cords — so they vocalize in an assortment of grunts, hisses, and clacks.
Unknown photographer; probably a Tracy Aviary staff member.
#birds #birdphotography #andeancondor #birdsofmastodon
This is Andy N. Condor's official 64th Hatch-day portrait. Isn't he beautiful?
Andy is a much-loved personage at Tracy Aviary in Utah, and goes on daily walks with the public. His special friend and person in charge is Helen Dishaw.
Not known who the phographer was; likely Helen herself or another member of the Aviary staff.
#birds #birdphotography #andeancondor
One of my favorite Andean condor videos: a snippet from BBC's Earthflight about a 6-month-old female taking her first flight. Right now, her feathers are brown, but she will develop an adult's black-and-white plumage (and a female's blood-red eyes) at around six years old.
Narrator — David Tennant
#birds #birdvideo #andeancondor
Andy N. Condor, his best friend Helen Dishaw, and lilacs... what's not to love? Look at them smiling at each other! 🥰
The photographer is probably a member of the Tracy Aviary staff.
#Birds #Flowers #BirdsOfMastodon #AndeanCondor #BirdPhotography
#birds #flowers #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor #birdphotography
Horray for poop science!
#birds #andeancondor #climate #science
#science #climate #andeancondor #birds
On Utah's "Wirth Watching," we meet Helen and Andy in a great little video from a couple of years ago.
😊 🖤 🤍 🖤 💗 💚 💙 👩🦰
#bird #birdvideos #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor
Best Friends Forever: Helen Dishaw of Tracy Aviary, and the magnificent Andy N. Condor. 😊 🖤 🤍 🖤 💗 💚 💙 👩🦰
Andy just turned 64 years old!
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor
Andy N. Condor is being a loaf. Either that, or he's showing what he'd look like as a Viking ship. The shape of his head would make an awesome prow. 🖤 🤍 🖤 💗 💚
The photograph was taken either by his special friend, Helen Dishaw, or by another member of the Tracy Aviary staff.
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #AndeanCondor #BirdLoaf
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor #birdloaf
Andy N. Condor of Tracy Aviary is here to remind everyone of a wonderful Andean legend: "Once the condor enters your life, it will never leave."
We hope not, Andy. You have made friends for condors and vultures all over the world. 🖤
Photographer — probably Helen Dishaw; if not, then a member of the Tracy Aviary staff.
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #TracyAviary #Vultures #Condors #AndeanCondor
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #tracyaviary #vultures #condors #andeancondor
"The last thing a carcass ever sees." 🤣
A super close-up of Andy N. Condor munching on his lunch. Someone needs to give him a serviette!
Photographer unknown, but considering how close s/he was able to get, it has to be a Tracy Aviary staffer.
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor
For Valentine's Day from Tracy Aviary and Andy N. Condor...
You are Condor-able! 🖤 🤍 🖤 💗 💚 😘 🥰
Look at Andy's sparkling green eyes! Only the male Andean Condors have that color; the females have deep red eyes.
The Aviary did not give the photographer, although they often use Dee Otter, Cassandre Crawford, or Joel Sartore for special photos. Then again, it's just as likely a staffer took this beautiful picture.
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #AndeanCondor #ValentinesDay
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor #valentinesday
"I love you THIS much!" 🖤 🤍 🖤 👩🦰
64-year-old Andy N. Condor and his keeper/BFF Helen Dishaw at Tracy Aviary in Utah. Andy is showing off his nearly 11-foot wingspan in what is called the Horaltic Pose. All vultures and condors do this. It warms their wings and helps destroy parasites in their feathers. As strong as Andy's wings are, I'll bet they give wonderful hugs. 🥰
The photographer is probably a staff member at the Aviary.
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor
#andeancondor #bird #birdsofmastodon #NationalAviary #pittsburgh #SkeksisOfMastodon
A male juvenile Andean condor. Right now, he is light and dark brown, and his eyes are brown, as well. But when he attains his adult plumage at 7 or 8 years, it will be black and white, with a fluffy white ruff around his neck, and his eyes will be golden-green.
Photographer — Ethan Rising
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor
An adult female Andean condor, with her fully-developed plumage, fluffy white neck ruff, and blood-red eye color
Photographer — Project Noah
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor
This is a fascinating photo of a sub-adult female Andean condor. She is just barely beginning to grow out of her brown-feather stage, and what will be her thick, bright white down neck ruff is still beige. Her eyes, which were brown as a youngster, are starting to take on the deep red cast of an adult. She has a smooth head, without the caruncle (comb) of a male.
Photographer — Goliat_
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #andeancondor