First completed Andean Weaving of the year, and 4th completed band in this technique.(also the first one I started, before #FranqemontUniversity began offering courses)
It's 2/8 cotton, with plying twist added, and behaved *fine*, but it lacks the liveliness of handspun khaitu.
#AndeanWeaving #handwoven
#FranqemontUniversity #andeanweaving #handwoven
Time to start documenting my progress on projects... No matter how small!
Here are my #FranquemontUniversity #AndeanWeaving finished bands from 2022. They're in order left->right, in the spirals.
It isn't everything I've worked on - I have another 7 or more in various stages of completion... But FO progress is something I don't always track, and I have a perpetual struggle with chronic start-itis.
So here are my 3 completed practice bands, and I'm hoping to finish about 1 per week this year.
#FranquemontUniversity #andeanweaving
Finished! This full band of tanka ch'oro with some color swapping. the white was a lot thinner and even stretchier or looser than the red which made things a real challenge, but was good experience in working with that kind of issue and motivation to make sure I don't create it for myself in my own warps. On to the next!
#AndeanBackstrap #andeanweaving #AbbysYarns #franquemontUniveristy #WeavingStudent
#AndeanBackstrap #andeanweaving #abbysyarns #franquemontUniveristy #WeavingStudent