Extreme #Venomverse #2 - #ClayMcLeodChapman returns with a Marvel 1602 Venom story! And a fun "What If Black Cat Became Venom?" story, which I'm certain is set right after #AmazingSpiderMan #300.
#Carnage Reigns Alpha #1 - OG Carnage (g)host #CletusKasady is back with a vengeance sporting #TonyStark's #Extrembiote to menace #MilesMorales #SpiderMan and #RedGoblin. Fun fun fun.
#Daredevil & #Echo #1 - No a #symbiote story, but given its ties to #Scream & #AndiBenton, one can hope, right…?
#venomverse #claymcleodchapman #amazingspiderman #carnage #cletuskasady #TonyStark #extrembiote #milesmorales #spiderman #redgoblin #daredevil #echo #symbiote #scream #andibenton
So #Taboo of the #BlackEyedPeas and #BEarl are helming a new #Daredevil & #Echo limited series picking up #ClayMcLeodChapman's "Suffer the Children" plot summarily cut short with the cancellation of #Scream Curse of #Carnage (and touched upon in the Scream #KingInBlack tie-in) with #Demagoblin kidnapping children for nefarious purposes.
I hope #AndiBenton makes an appearance as #Silence in this #comicbook. It's only fair, right?
#taboo #blackeyedpeas #bearl #daredevil #echo #claymcleodchapman #scream #carnage #kinginblack #demagoblin #andibenton #silence #comicbook #comics #Marvel #Venom #symbiote