Incredibly pleased to find this setting in Ivory. Now I can follow everyone, and not have 2K posts in the Home timeline when I check back in.[1] πŸ’ƒπŸ» πŸ’ƒπŸ» πŸ’ƒπŸ» Thank you @ivory. β™₯️🐘

If you have Ivory, you’re given the option when you add someone to a list. Alternately, you can go to **Add/Remove from Lists** for the person, you can enable and Save.

[1] tbh the worst I’ve ever returned to is ~640 new posts. Still!

#ivory #ivoryapp #mastoclient #userfriendly #lists #overwhelming #iknowyoucanbeoverwhelmed #andiknowyoucanbeunderwhelmed #butcanyoueverjustbewhelmed

Last updated 2 years ago