@Mina @herr_schu @thsauer @fell @chbmeyer ja
Bei uns in #edubw hatten wir lange Zeit Fortbildung für Tablet (#andoid, iPad) aber aus verschiedenen Gründen (hust: nur iPad ist managebar, ..ist einfacher...) Werden die Android nicht mehr nachgefragt. Mit dem Digitalpakt würde es dann noch einseitiger.
Andere Erklärungen: immer gleiche Geräte ander Schule, kann länger im Einsatz sein....
Was nie eine Rolle spielte, Datenschutz, der Gastmodus am Android, managen via WLAN/USB mittels ADB,...
So früh wie diesen Monat lag das monatliche #Andoid-Securityupdate lange nicht mehr vor
Auch nicht gerootete #Andoid Phones können von #Bloatware befreit werden!
#LetsDeGoogle #bloatware #andoid
@megan another good idea is to add hashtags. For example #AppSuugestionRequest #iOS or #andoid #jetlag
#appsuugestionrequest #ios #andoid #jetlag
If you have an old phone / tablet (5+ years old) and you want the fastest, most performant experience on Mastodon, this is what I suggest you try:
No jerky scrolling, loading images faster, translating toots in English with a click (in place), links opening in my own browser (which I control and I clear cookies daily).
Give it a try or give me your suggestions!
#mastodon #fediverse #clients #ios #andoid #apps #performance #speed #translation #privacy
#mastodon #fediverse #clients #iOS #andoid #apps #performance #speed #translation #privacy
Three things I currently love the most in @elk
1. The replies show the original post/thread
2. Clear indicators of posts, boosts and replies (on the official PWA they are visually too similar)
3. Formatting!
Elk just might be my new favorite on #Andoid. #PWA #WebApps #Mastodon #Apps
#andoid #pwa #webapps #mastodon #apps
Ein Video Tipp für alle die #neuhier sind.
Ihr fragt Euch, was #OpenSource Software, #Linux und so weiter ist?
Hier ist eine Arte Doku aus dem Jahre 2001. Ja, sie ist älter (mittlerweile ü21 Jahre) und sieht so aus.
Sie zeigt dennoch, wie Open Source Software und Linux entstanden sind.
Mittlerweile ist #Linux weiter verbreitet als Ihr denkt. Auch Euer #Andoid #Smartphone basiert auf Linux.
#neuhier #opensource #linux #andoid #smartphone
Hello everybody! 🤪
A little notion for Android owners: you have the awesome feature – Second space (name depends on producer)
This feature allows you to create a split space with its own data, applications, etc..
It's useful if somebody will receive access to your phone, but you wanna hide banks data or dating apps 🤪
How to enter to second space – just use another pin or finger, easy!
#security #privacy #andoid (I do not know solutions for ios)
Who would like to translate some apps to #Welsh #Cymraeg? Please get in contact and we can organise a small session. I can offer direct access to my apps (a kids's coloring book, ...) and also help get you started on other apps from https://f-droid.org . This is a gentle road to get from translating to developing apps yourself. #Andoid.
@andrewmelder @m0nkeyh0use
If you do pick it up; the server feature is is under your profile picture -> reorder timelines -> + -> start typing the server name -> select what type of fedi instance it is.
Adds that instance to your top bar, and you can click in to anything you add.
Changed My Android Matrix Client, Element was a bit too Heavy lol. Searched for some clients and found this App Called Syphon. It's in open alpha but seems nice for now with a nice Interface and Lighter.
#matrix #fdroid #andoid #update #alpha #discord is trending?
#matrix #fdroid #andoid #update #alpha #discord
Salut à tous
J'ai remis en état une vielle #tablette #asus #eeeslate de 2011 qui était sous #windows7 de base et que j'avais passé sous ubuntu
Je vient d'installer un #andoid x86 dessus mais même la elle rame vachement une idée de solution pour la faire marcher mieux ?? Sachant que se que j'aime sur cette tablette c'est qu'elle a un #stylet mieux qu'un #ipad car pareil sans batterie est avec une gomme reconnu comme tel dans onenote par exemple
#tablette #asus #eeeslate #windows7 #andoid #stylet #ipad
Le développeur principal de FairEmail bosse tous les jours dessus, d'où les mises à jour régulières (et la grande qualité de ce client mail Android)
To everyone who still uses #SwiftKey or even worse #Gboard on their #Andoid device I recommend #Florisboard
It's currently still in Alpha but development is rolling, customization easy and it's latest release turned out to be perfectly usable, at least for me ⌨️
It's FLOSS and the developers seem to respond to issue reports and feature requests in a timely manner
You can get it on #FDroid and usually the latest version from @IzzyOnDroid 👏
#florisboard #fdroid #swiftkey #gboard #andoid